Sunday, July 20, 2014

Full-body Contact

“Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” — Romans 6:13
New Living Translation

Hearts and lips that sing, and hands that pray, may be the most recognizable aspects of being a worshiper. But a life of full-on worshipwhat Jesus called the greatest commandment of them allis meant to be anatomically complete, from head to toe...

A mind that cultivates choosing to think the best of others (even the difficult "others")
   Eyes that look Up, as well as into the face of a stranger approaching on the sidewalk: "Hi."
A nose that chooses to inhale Creation’s fragrance explosion instead of sniffing out gossip
   Ears that fight to tune out the noise to hear that Still Small Voice
Arms that lift another’s burden—often, no physical labor required
   Fingers that are quick to serve, and eager to navigate Gospel pages
A stomach that overflows to others with rivers of Living Water
   Knees that may be slow-learners but increasingly refuse to bow to any other god 
Feet that steadfastly answer to “follow Me” instead of “follow me”

There's nothing like being in the midst of voices united in praise and prayer. Better still is when worship becomes a full-body contact adventure...Sundays, and every day of the week.