Sunday, March 27, 2016

For Every Thomas Moment

“[Jesus] drew close to Thomas: 'Reach out and touch Me. See the punctures in My hands; reach out your hand, and put it to My side; leave behind your faithlessness, and believe.' Thomas, filled with emotion: 'You are the one True God and Lord of my life!'”—John 20:27-28, The Voice

Imagine just for a moment that, long after the initial post-Resurrection exuberance of the household had died down a bit, Jesus took his fish and beverage and stepped outside where he noticed Thomas—maybe you and me—leaning on a wall with a warm breeze on his face and peering off into the horizon. Too amazed, too joy-filled, and too excited to eat. And as had often been the case for the past three years, Jesus doesn't have to say a word. His nearness, his presence alone is enough for Thomas to really open up to his friend…
“See, that’s the thing. I was afraid—I think all of us were—that we had lost you. Your presence, Jesus. There is nothing on earth better or more important than Your presence. And it just looked like, well, you know, you were going to be like every other good guy, every good prophet who’s come along: They don’t like you, so they kill you, and it’s over.

So sure, we were afraid, and we ran. But for me, not so much because I was afraid for my life, but when your faith is shaken, you begin to wonder if you're about to be abandoned—left alone to try to figure out life, again, by yourself. Scary.

The guys can call me the doubter, or Eeyore, or whatever all they want, but I am just a guy with a lot of questions and yet who loves you and wants to know, really know—I mean, really, really know you. Experience it full on. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you know?

You gotta admit, you sure can be mysterious at times, talking in parables and such. But I haven't let that discourage me—in fact, even with all my questions, it all drove me to want to spend more time with you, to see how you lived life while talking with your Father. I can’t explain it really, but following you in that way just seemed peaceful, and joyful, and right, like this is why I was born—even if it was crazy at times and didn’t always make sense. I saw how you loved on people, and listened to their stories, and touched their bodies and emotions and healed them. And I so wanted in, just as you called us to be. All in. And I still do.

But when they told us you had died in that most gruesome way, I was grief-stricken and disillusioned to the point of wanting to throw up. Until I remembered: You told us it would be this way. How do I know that? Well, believe it or not, I remembered that kind of snarky thing I said when you told us that we were going up to Judea; something like, “oh great, let’s go die with him.” Wow, you know? You are truly amazing—you even use the foolish things we do and say for our good and for your glory. You used that comment to help me remember that this was all going to happen, and that you'd not just die horribly but rise from the dead, and that yet again You are always true to your Word.

Yeah, I know I wanted extra proof even so—to see it with my own eyes, to touch you for myself—but I just want to thank You for never giving up on me. Thanks for the tough love in there just now about not letting doubts drag me down but to remember to believe even when I cannot always see. Not a blind faith, but one that remembers that you have a 100 percent track record of Love promises made, and to hold onto that instead.

In spite of myself, I want you to know that I'm ready to live out all you showed and taught us...because you're my friend, yes, but mostly, like I said in there, because you are Lord of my life.  You are worth everything that I've got! And I’m reminded just now of one more thing: that your rising from the dead, you being here right now, proves you meant what you said—that you'd never, ever leave or forsake us. Never.  
And that's a doubt-crusher of a promise that I, that all of us, need to grab onto in a big way right now. And tomorrow, and the next day, until you come back again. No doubt about it....

More fish?”
"And holy, there is no one like You
There is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder
And show me who You are
And fill me with Your heart
And lead me into love to those around me...

And I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken
I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken"

Sunday, March 20, 2016

No One Even Comes Close

Right at the crest, where Mount Olives begins its descent, the whole crowd of disciples burst into enthusiastic praise over all the mighty works they had witnessed: ‘Blessed is He who comes, the King in God’s name! All’s well in heaven! Glory in the high places.’ Some Pharisees from the crowd told Him, ‘Teacher, get Your disciples under control!’ But He said, ‘If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.’”—Luke 19:37-40

The definition of Biblical praise may be one of the largest in God’s warehouse of wonderful words. It’s a definition that has no period at the end. In fact, it shoves good grammar rules aside in favor of a fantastic, never-ending sentence. And the Palm Sunday procession helps remind us why God mentions its various expressions nearly 9,000 (!) times.

For starters, praise is our first action when praying the Lord’s Prayer.
It is the first word in the greatest-ever hymn of thanks: Doxology.
It is the first thing Paul does before encouraging the early churches.
Most of all, it is the fruit of our lips from a thankful life.
It glorifies God for all we have “heard and seen.”
It defies the darkness and causes prisoners to sit up and listen.
It causes seemingly impenetrable walls and situations to crumble.
It routs a host of pressures and attacks from all sides and angles without lifting a finger.
And, it is always something that’s sorely lacking in our day: positive and uplifting.

From the highest angel in the heavens to the smallest child in the Palm Sunday processional, praise declares: God is God alone, God is awesome, God is amazing, God defines love...

...and no one else even comes close.

And when the enemy of your soul says not to get carried away praising God from whom all blessings flow, and to get it “under control,” it’s good to know that Jesus—and every stone and all of creation—always has our back.

“Let praise cascade off my lips; after all, You’ve taught me the truth about life! And let Your promises ring from my tongue; every order You’ve given is right…I love it when You show Yourself! Invigorate my soul so I can praise You well; use Your decrees to put iron in my soul.”
—Psalm 119:171-72, 175, The Message

[ADAPTED FROM 4-13-14]

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Voice of the Image Maker

“Grow in the loving favor that Christ gives you. Learn to know our Lord Jesus Christ better. He is the One who saves. May He have all the shining greatness, now and forever. Let it be so!”—2 Peter 3:18, NLV

Even on the grand highway of the Great Adventure, there seem to be occasional reduced speed seasons. These lulls, these routine days in the journey are nothing to worry about, though; in fact, they're healthy—they give you time to rest, refuel, reflect, and ask yourself much-needed check-up questions, like: “Am I just going along on this wild ride and simply following His lead until He says otherwise, or should I be intentional about this, with a mission and a heart’s-desire focus?”

And the correct answer is?: Yes.

You might also get this rather startling affirmation from the greatest cheerleader of them all...

“Son, in case you were even kinda-sorta doubting, you were born and built for eternity…with the heart of and after God, the hands and feet of God, the mind of Christ, the joy of the Lord, the strength and power of the Trinity, the wisdom of the Father, the peace that passes all your understanding, and a desire to want to know Who's behind every chapter and verse that will be your guide every mile on this Highway of Holiness. Sound a bit outrageous? Remember, you were made in My image. I even breathed life into your nostrils. Because you are built to rule, and reign, and love, and live fully with Me. Reduced speed zones along the journey are My idea, not to tempt you to the sidelines but to recharge your batteries. You have been hand-crafted and hand-gifted by Me for one purpose: My glory and pleasure, for this time in history, in this place.”

Shock and awe.

But soon, even sometime today, that reduced speed zone will be moving to your rear-view mirror. And because the times seem more urgent than ever, now's the time to respond to the Image Maker with a fresh resolve that will make your own soul sit up and listen....

“Lord, help me to glorify You.
I have talents; help me to extol You by spending them for You.
I have time; Lord, help me to redeem it that I may serve You.
I have a heart to feel; Lord, let that heart feel no love but Yours, and glow with no flame but affection for You.
I have a head to think; Lord, help me to think of You and with You.
You have put me in the world for something—Lord, show me what that is, and help me to work out my life purpose.
I am all Yours—take me, and enable me to glorify You now, in all that I say, in all that I do, and with all that I have.”
—Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Zoom, zoom.