Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Narrow Path

An ancient path long the nearby Wheeler Trail.

Just like an early morning walk around downtown can speak amazing things if you’re paying attention, so can an afternoon walk on a favorite nearby trail. You think you know that trail like the back of your hand, until the late afternoon sun filtering through the trees creates a wonder demanding pause.

When my kids were little, they’d say a prayer every night that ended “and in the morning light I wake, help me the path of love to take.” I still say that part just about every night before dozing off. It’s an ancient, well-worn path, and it takes focus to navigate it every day, but it is always the good and right path.

The bible says that Jesus did a lot of walking, and that one of the last things He said while on earth was that people would know we are His followers not by our smarts, political leanings, or even all our good deeds but...

"...Everyone will know that you are My disciples,
if you love one another.”
(John 13:35)

An uncompromising love, as demonstrated a few verses earlier by the shocking washing of the disciples' feet, marked by countercultural things like serving, humility, forgiveness and grace.

What a world that would be! And that walk in the woods and coming upon a narrow path was a reminder that, like with a lot of challenges in life, it starts with just one person going for it.

And that is why I still like my kids’ bedtime prayer.