Sunday, March 6, 2022

Parable From the Trail

Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.—Malcolm Muggeridge

The joy of thriving on this journey with God while here on planet Earth seems to come down to one of these previous words: With. Relationship trumps trying to live by a checklist of "dos and don'ts"  every time. Yet in the routine of walking the rhythms of daily life, without even realizing it, it can be easy to be lulled into following Heaven-sent instructions and trying to make the best of it, figuring that God is looking on from, well, somewhere. 

Then there is this: "And Enoch walked in habitual fellowship with God..." (Genesis 5:24) and "he was commended as one who pleased God." (Hebrews 11:5) Recalibrating...

It's good to know that getting back to "with God" mode, like Enoch, is never very far away.  That was my mission one Sunday afternoon while setting out on a familiar and incredibly peaceful trail. It began with a fresh mode of transport: snowshoes instead of trail shoes. Adventurous and great exercise, yes, but also like that recurring nightmare where you desperately want to run but your feet won't move. Which, as it turned out, was the perfect setup for an encouraging parable from the trail. Because as Jesus modeled throughout the Gospels, the most practical and essential principles for joyfully living out this Walk often get through to us most effectively through storytelling and through those ways in which we best connect with Him. ...

...A few hundred yards beyond the trailhead, a crossroad of sorts; arrows pointing in two directions, demanding a choice. The path to the right seemed to be the clear favorite of many. The one to the left, however, seemed to have been the favorite of just one other hiker thus far. And though the exact passage didn't show up in bright lights right then and there, the heart of it did: "Ancient path! Dude, take the ancient path, it's really good!" I wrote it down in a little notebook in my back pocket. Now where did that come from? Later back at home, the answer:

"Stand at the crossing and consider the ancient path, for it is good and it leads to Me. Walk on this path, and you will find rest for your souls." 
(Jeremiah 6:16, The Voice)

And so I went left, where the one other guy a few hours or days before had gone as well. From there, the parable of the trail, in all of its impressions and imagination, began to download quickly. Words to tuck away and yet words to pass on as a baton ...

Yes, this path you've chosen is good, but as you can see, it is narrow, and few travel it. You stay on it anyway, because it's Mine.

There are many seasons on this good path where you can move ahead briskly or even run like the wind. But there are also seasons of slow, difficult plodding, like right now. In every season, however, My cheer will be the same: "Forward!"

Besides, there is beauty in the plodding season: It forces you to slow down and take it all in. So, remember to pause regularly and look Up often...Remember, I'm right here with you, every step of the way.

Now don't let this scene discourage you, but take a picture of it anyway as a reminder:

Some who have journeyed this narrow path have caved in to the temptation to quit too soon, or find an easier way, or just not really care much anymore. When that temptation comes your way, and it will, remember My promise that won't fail: "I have a plan."

Sometimes (many times, in fact) along the way, I will lead you out of your comfort zone, not to spook you but to strengthen your faith, and because on occasion you will, without fanfare, be blazing trails for others to follow...whether you realize it or not. And whenever you begin to wonder where this is all leading, just keep your eyes fixed to the trail markers of My Word and My Presence.

I remembered that "pause regularly and look Up" thing often as the plodding became as though walking through cement. And just as the trail was about to loop back to the trailhead, I figured the parable download was done, but instead, a grand finale:

Just remember, you often won't realize you're making progress on this Journey until you pause to look back at how far you've come...

With Me.

(Originally published March 2017)

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