Sunday, April 19, 2020

Grateful for Words That God Can't Do

“…And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”—Matthew 28:20, New Living Translation

When the psalmist implores, “be still and know that I Am GOD,” the most wonderful and unexpected things can happen when you even attempt to put that promise to the test. And whenever they do, you wonder why you haven’t put it to the test more often. Daily. Throughout the day. But it’s also good to remember that good habits for a lifetime begin with one small bite. Or, one small bite all over again for the gazillionth time. It’s OK. The One whose Love endures forever seems to have an amazingly endless supply of patience and desire for us to draw near.

This week, during one of those small bites into God's goodness, the simple goal was to exhale, to get the brain to slow down for a few minutes, and marinate on who He is and who He has been faithfully in my life, during that day, in that moment—all the big things, of course, but anything of any size that came to mind. It’s all from His hands, after all. The awkward stillness began to disappear as the marinated list, and my attitude and faith, grew and grew. Until at one point, I was filled with gratitude and amazement overflowing about one thing in particular that took me by surprise:

There are certain words that God can’t do or be, simply because they are contrary to His nature. Words like "lie, "unfaithful," and "disappear." But there are also certain words concerning one timely topic in particular ("where are You, God?") that God can’t practice, for the same reason. For the God who can do anything, putting “God” and “can’t” in the same sentence seems nuts..until you utter these words:
And, He can't "be" their multiple word cousins:

Our day may be over when we crawl into bed at night, but for all who Believe, it’s jaw-dropping comforting to think that just when someone else’s day is beginning somewhere on the other side of the planet, God doesn’t just tuck us in for the night, forget us until morning, and go focus His attention on that one.

He can't. And He never will.

Even while we sleep, even in our dreams both cool and crazy, while our subconscious may be busy working through fears and desires and frustrations—and more importantly, even in our own bouts of insomnia, restlessness, excitement/anticipation, worry, weariness, or longing for a My Pillow—our God is always fully awake, always fully engaged:
“He holds you firmly in place; He will not let you fall. He who keeps you will never take His eyes off of you and never drift off to sleep. What a relief! The One who watches over Israel never leaves for rest or sleep.”  
Psalm 121:3-4, Voice

[Updated from 2018]

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