Sunday, February 13, 2022

What's Good?

Remembering some very important words from a warmer day...

Really, who feels like doing anything at 5:45 a.m.? But if you want to run in a favorite place, you have to get there early in the summer before it gets too hot. Still, I was tired of the hour, of the humidity that saps all energy, from the week of brain drain, and especially from hearing endless bad news. (Even if you minimize TV and radio, there’s always someone on social media eager to remind you how bad things are.) But running is good for all of that because it is about moving forward, one foot in front of the other, in all kinds of weather.

And as I rounded the first corner, the early morning sun shone in my face, and a cool breeze came from the side. Along with it, two simple words that needed to come out of my mouth:

“Thank You.”

And though I couldn’t recall where it came from at the time, these words came to mind:

"In every situation, no matter what the circumstances, be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
—1 Thessalonians 5:18, Amplified

In every situation.
Not for every situation.
In the midst of them.
Simply because that’s where He always is.

So, I stopped thinking about how tired I was and put God’s Word to the test. I stopped dwelling on what's wrong and started speaking what's good. I started thanking Him for the sunrise and the cool breeze and every little thing I could remember from the past week...The smell of the coffee. The ripple of the river. The many good people who crossed my path, helped or said something encouraging. A good night’s sleep. Safe travels. Family. Faithful dogs I’ve owned and those I can smile at and pat as they walk by. A great game. A beaten deadline. Breathing. Running. Music. Someone’s jaw-dropping photos. Laughter that breaks the tension. The four seasons of New England, even endless winter. The sound of rain on the roof and the sight of the daily morning-glory horizon cresting the mountain.

And especially, Jesus, yesterday today and forever, full of grace and truth (whether I “feel” it or not). The timelessness of the Word. Promises I can stand on. Faith, even the mustard seed kind. Hope….

And before I realized it, I had come to the end of my run, forgetting how I got from there to here. More than that, I was once again back to that simple place I needed to be in the first place: grateful for His unfailing love and faithfulness in every situation, that never, ever quits. All the cares and weariness were back in their rightful place: out of my hands and into His. Which makes it easier to pray for the hard stuff. ...“If You can do all of this and so much more, if You can make heaven and earth with just one word, then surely you can do anything."

“Ah, Lord God! It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for You.”—Jeremiah 32:17

It's good to be reminded that this Journey is not always as super-spiritual as we try to make it, but, rather, it is life to the full — just as He promised —in the midst of all of its circumstances, and through them. He is in it all. It just takes two words to get the right perspective back…

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is 'thank you,' it will be enough.”
Meister Eckhart

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