Sunday, August 14, 2022

Fullness at Turn Two

Heading toward Turn Two earlier this spring.

Sometimes, you can be minding your own business and the oddest things happen.

Yesterday morning’s run at the high school track was like that—loop after loop, gulps of cool air, an incredibly beautiful cloud cover, the nearby shouts of the football team at their first workout of the season, waking up and feeling fine, and having the lanes all to myself. And then as I rounded turn two, I noticed a car had pulled over and someone was approaching the fence with a camera. 

First thought: “You lookin’ at me? And who-the-heck are you?” A little creepy at first, but as I kept running, I chose to believe the guy was taking a photo of the football team in the distance instead. But just maybe, he stopped because he wondered “why do people do this—running around and around on a track in the early morning? It looks… boring.” 

And the guy would have a point. But he’d also have no idea. Because though making time to run was the last thing I should have been doing to start an incredibly busy day, and though it may have seemed boring and routine to others, that weird little photo incident was a reminder that what I had taken time to do was the most important thing I should be doing. Every day...

People sometimes sneer at those who run every day, claiming they'll go to any length to live longer. But don't think that's the reason most people run. Most runners run not because they want to live longer, but because they want to live life to the fullest.”

I have never met marathon runner Haruki Murakami, who said that, but I can relate to him. He is a career writer and has spent many hours behind a desk. Check. He did not start running until later in life. Check. He began as a way to stay healthy and counter his sedentary every day working position. Check.

And most of all, because he wanted to “live life to the fullest.” Check. In my case, it was to take seriously the words of Jesus,

“I have come in order that you might have life—
life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

Because there is a thief that is constantly trying to rob us all of the goodness of life, both in this world and the promise of the world to come. Running in endless circles on a track can seem crazy to people driving by, but yesterday was a reminder that no matter how much stuff there is to do and process, living life in all its fullness begins by starting the day right on the right foot (whether you are a runner or not)—with prayer, with gratitude, with thankfulness.

Three things easily forgotten or taken for granted.

And as I often do on a run, the mish-mash of thoughts going through my brain on that boring-looking track yesterday looked something like this…

Today is another day that the Lord has made,
And before doing another thing, even before that first sip of coffee,
Before planning and scheming the day ahead,
Rejoice, even if just a little bit—which means don’t just feel gratitude, express it.
Give Him praise from whom every single blessing flows! (James 1:17)
Including that your life is a gift and the giver is God alone,
Because He alone “gives us life, and breath in our lungs, and everything else.” (Acts 17:26)
This day may seem full or it may seem like just another day, but don’t be fooled;
Remember that every day is His day, and for His glory, and how I walk—even run—through it really matters.
“OK, then, let’s do this!”
Wait…first, don’t forget to pray at all times, and as you go (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and especially for these:
Pray for wisdom on how to proceed, for what you know about already and the unplanned.
And “if you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking.” (James 1:5, Voice)
And pray, too, for an undivided heart (Psalm 86:11) that stays soft and pliable in the hands of its Maker throughout the day.
Especially when it is prone to wander or become hardened by the things and voices of this world that continually scream (lie) that they are more important or desirable.
And don’t forget to pray for others…family, friends in need, and how you will interact with all the people that come across your path today:
“Pray always. Pray in the Spirit. Pray about everything in every way you know how! And keeping all this in mind, pray on behalf of God’s people. Keep on praying feverishly, and be on the lookout until evil has been stayed.” (Ephesians 6:18)
And even if (and when) I veer off course on this day’s journey, or my heart and flesh fail,
Remember to end the day as you’re doing now, even out of breath:
Give Him praise from whom all blessings flow!
From beginning to end, today is another day that the Lord has made, so keep on running…
“Let us be full of joy and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24, NLV)
This is living life in all its fullness.

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