Sunday, November 20, 2016

Game Changer

"Let us sing...let us shout...let us come before His presence with thanksgiving...let us bow down in worship...let us kneel before the Lord...."--Psalm 95, various

"Let's..." is more than an invitation; it carries a sense of eagerness, delight, and anticipation. (Think: "Let's go to the ocean!" or "Let's do this!").

There is no Amplified translation. It simply means "let's."

The "let's" of worship is not charismatic, pentecostal, evangelical, or Reformed. It has nothing to do with expression for expression's sake, our mood, or our personality type, but everything to do with this: He is the Rock of our salvation, the great King above all gods, the Maker of heaven and earth and Giver of life and breath, and He is our God and we are forever under His care...

Lord, on a cold and rainy Sunday morning in New England, when it would be easy to get sucked in to the world's negativity, "Let" this be a game-changer for this day's attitude and reflection of You to others...and on the other six to follow.

"Nothing undercuts cynicism more than a spirit of thankfulness. You begin to realize that your whole life is a gift. Thankfulness isn't a matter of forcing yourself to see the happy side of life...thanking God restores the natural order of our dependence on God. It enables us to see life as it really is."--Paul Miller, "A Praying Life"

{ADAPTED FROM 11-10-2013]

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