Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Steady Advance

“My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul.”—Psalm 108:1

It's true that God continually cheers us on to go higher and deeper in knowing Him, but it's also good to know that He never holds the bar too high to jump over. And on "those" days (and weeks) when we feel that being steadfast is all we can musterwhen we're too fried or distracted to be "feelin' it"maybe that is what He's looking for anyway.

Because to be unwavering in the storm, firm, settled in Trust, to quietly lean on the One who is “constant in the trial and the change,” and who remains worthy of praise from the inside out, probably takes us higher and deeper in our Walk than any sunny, cruise-control kind of day ever could.

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