Sunday, February 8, 2015

Speak Volumes

Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you creatures of the ocean depths,
fire and hail, snow and clouds,
    wind and weather that obey him,
mountains and all hills,
    fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all livestock,
    small scurrying animals and birds,
kings of the earth and all people,
    rulers and judges of the earth,
young men and young women,
    old men and children.
Let them all praise the name of the Lord.
For his name is very great.--Psalm 148:7-13

These words may lay silent on the page, but plug in the sound effects and see what happens... 

The volume becomes deafening beyond anything we’ve ever experienced. Not obnoxiously loud, but a joyous surround-sound so symphonic and full that, instead of wanting to plug your ears and run for cover, you just can’t contain yourself--even if you feel you can't carry a tune or handle words very well. It is the sound of every created thing shouting "Glory!," and though you can't explain how or why, you just know you were born to add your voice....

Lord, somewhere underneath yet another snowy sky this morning, the sun has come up and a new day is dawning. And today is the day that You have made to make Your glory known yet again, and for Your kids to rejoice in an unshakeable Hope when all around seems to be shaken and uncertain.  Help us to remember, yet again, that praise to You isn't praise unless it's expressed.

Even the snowflakes dance.

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