Sunday, May 17, 2015

A No-brainer Revisited

"And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to Him and begged Him to come and heal his son, who was close to death...." (John 4:46-53)

We aren't told much about this royal leader. Perhaps he is nameless for a reason--that a strong, believing faith isn't just for super-spiritual people but for any and all of us who will, with each passing day, grow to take Jesus at His word, against all "what-ifs?" that might be swimming around in our head, and merely take one step forward:

"The man took Jesus at His word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living."

This guy's story is a reminder that a believing faith also doesn't have to see immediate results for it to be believing faith. Neither is it a destination to shoot for or an easy button to push, but instead a lifelong adventure filled with peaks of miraculous answers and valleys of waiting, waiting, waiting--but along the way, always lots of ropes of Hope on which to grab.

And joy. Deep, satisfying, contented joy that, with each step of faith forward, surpasses all understanding, common sense, outer circumstances and worldly turmoil. Because a believing faith is simply and always in the person of who Christ is for every season of life. 

Some of the biggest no-brainers of this journey are the ones we need to revisit every six hours or so. Believing faith is one of them, and it always starts (or starts over) with putting one foot in front of the other...especially when there seems to be no answer in sight.

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