Sunday, June 7, 2015

Perfectly Enough

How great is Your goodness which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You.—Psalm 31:19

The world’s finest, biggest, most technologically advanced, best inventoried, and fastest-shipping warehouse is bound to be a blessing to thousands if not millions in their time of need.

But there is one even better than that.
One that has no corporate office, no zip code, no national or international address.
In fact, you can’t get there from here without knowing the security code.
It is as old as the hills, but always ahead of the curve.
Its foundation has never been more solid.
Millions upon millions have given it high praise.
It never runs low on anything.
It never runs out of anything.
There is no expiration date on any of its contents.
Things never get returned because they don’t fit or work correctly.
Nothing ever breaks, rips, tears, or spills.
Mainly because most of its contents are not things you can put your arms around.
Goodness things like mercy, grace, love, forgiveness, strength, hope, joy, perseverance, healing.
Things whose arms are meant to be wrapped around you.
All delivered with no shipping fees.
In fact, best and most amazing of all, no cash, check, credit card or good deed are ever required.
Everything has already been paid for by Someone else, once and for all.

“Trust God. Love God. Believe God. Follow God. Ask God. Thank God.”

This is the simple security pass that will grant anyone access to the only storehouse in all of Creation that has no ceiling (and even if it had one, no one would be able to see that far up anyway), whose length and width is measureless, and where delivery of the perfect supply always arrives on time.

Perfect, even when it’s not exactly what we requested.

’Stop asking so much! My grace reservoir is running dry.' Heaven knows no such words."—Max Lucado

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