Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Days

Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.—Matthew 6:33-34

There are certainly more profound reasons why Jesus looked Up and gave thanks as He prepared to take the ridiculously few fishes and loaves to feed thousands. One is so simple, so powerful, so timeless, that it went right by His disciples. And so it has been for all the years that have passed since that hillside miracle until right now. They were, and we tend to be, so preoccupied with the hows, what-ifs, and yes-buts of life, especially for being ready for the challenges and needs of what lies ahead—or, desperately wanting a do-over for decisions and conversations of the recent or distant past—that it can be hard to focus on what God is doing and wants to do in the moment right in front of us.

Jesus also has a lot to say about being prepared and ready, and of confession and forgiveness. But almost without exception, along with the simple thanks for fishes and loaves, all of it is couched in one foundational word: Today. This day in November, like all the others that have come before it, is a day the Lord has made for you to live in the moment; to look Up and be grateful for inhaling and exhaling, for beauty, majesty and faithfulness displayed in His creation, for loved ones and loyal friends, for even the seemingly few things that you have on hand for an overwhelming need—be it food, money, energy and determination, or even limited evident solutions to large problems at work or in life…..

Lord, this is all I’ve got:
Just a couple of loaves of bread and a fish or two.
You know what that’s all about.
Doesn’t seem like much at all for what needs to be done, and I don’t know how this is going to work.
But You have provided, not me.
Thank You that You always do.
Better than that, You know me, my needs and desires far better than I think I do.
But I do know this much: You are good, and You have proven over and over again that You love me
With a how-much-more kind of love that is beyond my comprehension. 
And that You won’t leave me floundering when I ask for help,
Or ever reply with “yeah, well, good luck with that.”
So along with all the usual things to be thankful for this season (ones that I too often take for granted),
Let my first song of this and every morning be: “Today is the day You have made,” 
And rejoice in these very 24 hours You've given me
Rather than stare at tomorrow’s hopes and fears, or yesterday’s regrets.
And today, not if but when I hear Your voice, don’t let my heart be hardened by complaining
Or even a hint of unbelief,
But instead, help me (because it ain't always easy) to put on a gratitude attitude wardrobe.
For as long as it is today
So that I can think less about myself for just one second to encourage someone else
To hold on to the Hope we profess—the only hope worth clinging to.
Most of all, to remember that lifting Up fishes and loaves point to the key;
The one that unlocks a meaningful, satisfying life, and a lifestyle of thanksgiving:
"...first and most importantly, seek, aim at, strive after His kingdom and His righteousness
The attitude and character of God
And all these things will be given to you also."
So be it, Lord, even today.

"Thanksgiving is worry's kryptonite." — Matt Chandler

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