Sunday, March 8, 2020

How Sweet It Really Is

"If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust Him to lead you for a lifetime." (David Platt)

My dad sang on the worship team right up to his 80th year. He could joyously belt out harmonies on the newest of the new songs, but he had a special affection for old gospel hymns. In fact, one of the last Christmas gifts he gave me was a year-round devotional based on old hymn stories. He’d often say something to the effect of:

“Son, the older I get, the more I appreciate them.”

I nodded, but didn’t fully get it at the time.

While camping out the past couple of weeks in Psalm 119, and reading over and over how the psalmist put his trust in God and His Word in the face of difficulties on every side, one of dad's favorite old hymns, "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus," came to mind. Especially the phrase "Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er."

Been there, even though wavering at times, but still own the t-shirt and wear it often.

I still struggle with the “so sweet” part, though. Really? Not my trials, not my difficulties. As it turns out, that hymn devotional dad gave me a few years ago sheds light on why Louisa Stead chose that particular phrase for the title of her hymn:

One day while having a family picnic on Long Island, she and her daughter watched in horror as Mr. Stead drowned while trying to help a young boy. Louisa lost not only her husband but all financial means of support as a result. She could have soured on life and even on God ("where were You when I needed You?!"). Instead, she and her daughter packed up what they had and spent the next quarter-century serving God and the needy on the mission field in South Africa.

And through it all, by being steadfast and faithful to the God who is the very definition of those words, Louisa was able to pen, ‘tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, just to rest upon His promise, just to know thus sayeth the Lord.

Because she probably knew perfectly well that "sweet" wasn’t a questionable choice at all but the perfect word with meanings far beyond what we associate it with in our day:
highly satisfying,
pleasing to the senses,
a sound, rock-solid and wholesome state.

A sweetness that perfectly describes the promises of God in every season, whether we feel them or not, and not just on the warm, sunny days when anyone can trust God.

They just don't fail. Ever. Even as we look around at the tsunami of out-of-control craziness in our world. Sometimes, we need a good book, like Psalm 119, or an old hymnal to pick up, open and hold onto; to feel those everlasting promises in our hands, breathe them in, and make them our own all over again. To keep walking by faith this never-dull Great Adventure.

To be able to declare to our souls every morning and evening, in the spirit of Louisa Stead:

“Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much…as pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in Your commands.”
—Psalm 119: 140, 143, NLT

(And dad, you’ll be glad to know: I really do get it now.)


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