Sunday, August 28, 2016

We've Been Set Up (In a Very Good Way)

“And I’ll stride freely through wide open spaces as I look for Your truth and Your wisdom; Then, I’ll tell the world what I find, speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed.”—Psalms 119:45-46, Message

It is good to love the Word of God, to have the Word shape our lives, to trust in it, to depend on it, to guard it in mind and heart. Especially in these times of extreme confusion and uncertainty, it is far better to fully engage in Extreme Bible Reading than to train half-heartedly; or worse, to sit on the sidelines satisfied with mixing junk food and an occasional workout.  But it’s also easy to stand so firmly on the wonderful truths and wisdom of the Word that the incredible Person of the Word gets stuck to the ribs of our insides, and we forget the part about letting Him out through us for others to not just hear, but see and touch.

Or, maybe more accurately, we don't really know how to go about it without being weird. Who can do this?
It seems like a small step, but a simple day-starter prayer, “Word of God, speak; open my eyes and help me be aware of what You're doing as I stride freely through the wide open spaces of a new day,” could wind up triggering an incredible faith-building or even Life-changing moment in the most ordinary of places. It's also one you can be sure to which God will always reply, "Yes and amen."

“All around us — where we work, play and live — is an absolute setup. God has uniquely placed us in the center of His kingdom activity, and He has specially gifted us to be and to express Good News to those in whom He has already been working. Our only task is to open our eyes and ears to begin to see signs of His presence and to touch all around us…”

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