Sunday, October 23, 2016

Winds of Assurance

"I Am the LORD, I change not."--Malachi 3:6

Safe to say, just about everyone on planet Earth likes variety. No, we love variety. And so God made four seasons with more variety, and colors, and aromas than anyone could ever imagine. But He didn't stop there: He delighted in making much more than just one kind of bird, one kind of dog and cat, one kind and shape and personality of loved ones, friends, and strangers, or one kind of flower, sunrise or sunset. Or, even creative minds that come up with more flavors of ice cream than will fit on your average outdoor menu.

See, the children's prayer really is true: God is great, God is good. And God is most of all holy--entirely perfect and set apart from all others--but He is also, well, fun. Variety is for His pleasure and for us to enjoy while we are passing through. All of these, and so much more, not only bring enjoyment but inspire awe and wonder designed to lead to a "walk with Me" response to the ultimate rhetorical question of every tribe in every near and distant land:

"Who could have made such a thing?" 

But there is one place where we draw the line. We hate the variety of possibilities and the unsteady footing that come with uncertainty...when life is a mess, when our world is in turmoil, when what should be right side up is upside down, when people are thinking and acting without restraint. Some kinds of change and variety are good, but on the essentials of day to day life, we crave stability. 

How good it is, then, to remember that the same Creator of the ultimate in variety also calmed the wind and waves with three little words, called each star by name and not one is missing to this day, and declared to His very first believing followers that though the world seems upside down at times, He's got this

A windy morning, and a change of seasons, is awakening New England today. But it is joy unspeakable and a peace that passes every bit of our understanding to launch into this new day--with all of its various choices, challenges, and delights ahead--and be assured beyond a shadow of a doubt that when it comes to the truth of His promises and character, the phrase "change is inevitable, My friend" will never cross God's lips.

"Whatever Your attributes were of old, they are now--
Your power, Your wisdom,
Your justice, Your truth, are alike unchanged;
You have ever been the refuge of Your people in the day of trouble,
and You are our sure helper still.
You are unchanged in Your love and You have loved us with an everlasting love.
In fact, You love us now as much as You ever did,
and when all earthly things shall have melted in the last conflagration, 
Your love will wear the dew of its youth.
Precious is the assurance that You...change...not."

(adapted from C.H. Spurgeon)

Updated from 10-20-13

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