Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Backyard Revelation

"When God promises, He's not saying, 'I'll try.' He means, 'I can and I will.'" (James MacDonald)

In New England, ringing in the new year can look a lot like yesterday morning: a cold, rushing wind blowing through the ship's bell in the backyard.

Depressing? Hardly. Just hearing that low chime resound [Clang-clang!] as if for the first time brings an imagined aroma of the ocean when the breeze is warm and refreshing. It is the sound of hope for the promise of summer, even when the evidence all around says 'no way!'

Not to rush a new year and life along, but moments frozen in time such as these are a reminder how God can show His creativity (and even sense of humor) in telling us a really important letting us know He is with us, and will be with us, in every season over the next 364 days. Resolutions can be good and goals are great, but in the pursuit of fulfilling those, the clanging ship's bell is a reminder that there will be no greater treasure to pursue, discover, and hold tight to your chest all over again this new year than the unshakable, faithful, good and loving promises of God. 

Especially on those cold days of doubt and discouragement when everything around seems to be unraveling, even in the middle of a sunny, humid New England heatwave.

Better still, it's a reminder that the promises aren't just words, powerful as they are. The promise is a Person, who longs to hang out with us wherever we go...

"May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing, through the experience of your faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope."(Romans 15:13, Amplified Classic)

For all who come this way today, so be it, Lord. [Clang-clang!]

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