Sunday, February 26, 2017

Here for You

"Who am I, my master God, that You have brought me to this place in life?...What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who You are - out of Your very heart..." (2 Samuel 7:18-21, Message)

Of all all the great attempts by men and women down the through the ages to put pen to paper and describe what worship to God looks like, no definition has emerged as the "it." Perhaps the reason it seems impossible to land on an "it" is because of the incomparable amazingness of God that cannot be contained and put in neat, tidy prose. Our limited comprehension vs. God's unlimited awesomeness. In the words of Matt Chandler, "Trying to figure out God is like trying to catch a fish in the Pacific Ocean with an inch of dental floss."

It's not an "it," but a few days ago, another definition of worship grabbed my attention for its drop-the-mic simplicity. Powerful and true enough that it prompted me to tuck it away for future reference the next time someone asks, "So, is worship the singing and music part? Is it going to church? Is it the sermon? Is it what happens on Sunday morning?":

This is what David is doing: talking with God, being with God, listening for God, giving God all the glory for the goodness of his life as well as the faithfulness and love to--like no other friend--stick with hm through thick and thin. It is not a casual glance or a brief hello. It is a life on "pay attention" mode 24/7. It is breathing in and out attitude. It is worship not confined to a church or any type of formal or informal liturgy (as highly beneficial as those can be in helping us "pay attention"). It is not self-absorbed, and any hint of what's-in-it-for-me motive is nowhere to be found. In fact, near the end of his prayer, David says his "pay attention," overflowing-to-others lifestyle of worship is about one thing: " that Your Name will be great forever." (2 Samuel 7:26)

Today could be another routine Sunday morning of doing the church thing. Or, taking our cue from King David, it might be better to hit reset and speak these words to our soul as a reminder:

Soak your highly imperfect, person-after-God's-own-heart life in humility, awe, gratitude, honor, and praise of the One who alone gave it all for you, knows all about you and loves you just the same anyway, and who can fulfill far bigger dreams or answer far bigger prayers than you can ever imagine or ask, and who moves and lives not even in wonderful buildings where other imperfect persons-after-God's-own-heart gather, but in and through the "tents" of people who know and love His Name, and who even in their driest times (yes, even you) have a mysterious, deep-seated desire to make His Name great in all that we do and in and through the people we love.

Lord, let today be a defining moment, all over again.

"Let our praise be Your welcome

Let our songs be a sign
We are here for You, we are here for You
Let Your breath come from heaven

Fill our hearts with Your life
We are here for You, we are here for You
To You our hearts are open

Nothing here is hidden
You are our one desire
You alone are holy
Only You are worthy
God, let Your fire fall down..." (Matt Redman)

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