Sunday, March 25, 2018

Along the River

“Something on the other side is worth pushing through… Leave the comfort zone and ‘control’ of just standing on the shore.”—Andy Guyette

When you desire to walk each day with the King of the universe, there are no coincidences, only intersections of Divine purpose that keep showing up in the middle of wherever you happen to be. I thought I was just walking through a town park early yesterday morning and decided it would be a good time to listen to a sermon I'd been meaning to get to during the busy week. I thought I was just standing on the river’s shore, gazing at the peacefulness of the open water, and peering over to the shore on the other side where sunlight seemed to be hosting a private party of golden goodness.

But it just so happened that Andy's sermon was about Jesus urging His disciples to get into the boat together and “let us go over to the other side.” And it just so happened that while I was standing along the river’s edge, beginning to feel those familiar cravings of not just pausing to catch my breath but actually settling into a comfort zone of living, that Andy’s (he’s a member of my great team of pastors) words under the photo zapped my heart with a Heaven-sent defibrillator.

And on this Palm Sunday, when I can once more picture myself either watching the triumphant procession from the sidewalk or choosing instead to keep moving forward "to the other side" with Jesus, even without knowing what exactly is ahead, Andy’s message, combined with words previously written for a similar season, are reviving much-needed shouts of “Hosanna!”

And to all who come this way today while on the Journey, Selah….

Some passages of Scripture, no matter how many times you read them, seem to have a trumpet fanfare accompaniment. One is: 
"Wake up, O sleeper!..", to which the apostle Paul adds: "Be careful [mindful, aware] of how you live...making the most of every opportunity because [indeed] the days are evil.”—Ephesians 5:14, NIV
And in these days, for every person who has said "Yes!" to the One who has loved them and called them by name, and who has embarked on the fantastic journey to eternity, the blaring wake-up call may have little to do with falling asleep at the switch and a whole lot more to do with wanting to cave in to the relentless temptation to go on cruise control, to settle for what is safe and comfortable.
On our best days, we swear we could never go there, but truth is, with all of life's daily stresses and pressures, it is only natural to want to go into survival mode at times. (Sometimes, it's a great day when you can just tread water.) But when the storm passes, it can become way too easy to unknowingly agree with the suggestion of the Adversary and camp out in the land of comfortable, routine living. And while it is true that there is God-glorifying ministry in even the simplest things and during the most routine of times, it is also true that like that first ragtag, entirely imperfect band of brothers, we were created and destined for something much greater, and feel the tug for something mysteriously exciting, perhaps even world-changing in our own little corner of the world or in places we've never heard about.
It's a tug-of-war that will rage within until we get Home, but God is cheering us on: "No matter what it looks or feels like, don't let go of the rope!" And it doesn't stop there. God also manifests His cheering through the encouragement from a fellow runner or two or three: that rare person or small posse that bursts into our circle of acquaintances with the usual bantering about the weather, food, family and sports, but then takes it to the next level with words and example that stir us onward and Upward. These God-sent sons and daughters of encouragement regularly purpose to help fill our heart and mind with thoughts and Truths that are much, much higher than what our flesh wants to settle for.
And in these days, especially these turbulent days, there could be few more important questions to ask yourself than: "Who are you running with?" And then, an equally important prayer: that one or more Kingdom-living encouragers would burst into our circle, and that we could be that one for someone else; someone who carries the kind of encouragement that can help silence "Wake up, O sleeper!" with a resolute in-this-together declaration:
"The religious motivation of the pending wrath of God, and the ideals of a small life, are no longer options for us.We are sons and daughters of the Most High.We are in training for reigning as never before…living an abundant life in Christ until the kingdoms of this earth become the Kingdom of our God."   Danny Silk


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