Sunday, November 14, 2021

Parable of the Faithful Usher

(Photo: Karl Fredrickson

"... Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.
—Philippians 2:4, Passion Translation

There is a Love story out there that’s always waiting to happen. Not the boy meets girl kind, but the one in which one preoccupied self meets another preoccupied self, and God shows up with the thunderous cheers and applause of heaven. It’s a Love story that doesn't make the headlines of social media or the society pages of the local newspaper. In fact, while it is happening, the two parties don’t even realize that it is Love, only a wonderfully strange, undefinable sense that whatever it is is right and very good, and not of this world.

Around here, those kind of Love stories waiting to happen can be especially difficult. There will always be the one preoccupied self who though not hard-hearted or cold is so focused on what needs to be done on their “to do” list that they seldom look up until it’s done.

Just about everyone, at one time or another, has owned that t-shirt.

But then, the other preoccupied self is so private, so not wanting to bother anyone with their troubles and worries big or small, that they think it a sign of strength and New England ruggedness to keep it to themselves.

Quietly, and deep inside, though, are a thousand letters they’ve started writing with shaking hands and both a shaky and screaming voice to God wondering out loud, “does anybody really care…really? I mean, everyone’s got their own life to worry about.”

Just about everyone, at one time or another, has owned that t-shirt, too.

But even around here, the idea of the two coming together is not so far-fetched. Consider, the Parable of the Faithful Usher… 
.There once was a faithful usher, a servant of the church, who loved God much. He was always very busy trying to do good, doing lots of church stuff. For several months, the usher made it a point to go greet and shake the hand of someone new, someone visiting, and a particular man who always seemed lost in his thoughts or disconnected in some fashion. The faithful usher observed that the man mostly kept to himself but still seemed to enjoy being at church. For months, the faithful usher would smile and say “good morning!”, and for months the seemingly disconnected man quietly responded, "thank you, good morning to you, too." Then the faithful usher would go on with his ushering, and whatever else it was he felt he had to do and see to help keep the church running smoothly. But then one week, when the faithful usher said the same “Good morning, and how are you?,” the Love story-in-the-making greeting dance took on a different flavor. The seemingly disconnected man replied, "Are you just being friendly or do you really want to know?" The faithful usher smiled, but he was also set back on his heels, because the disconnected man was right—and he wondered if, just maybe, it was Jesus in disguise asking: "are you too preoccupied with your own little world to hear what is weighing down and preoccupying the world of a brother? You've got time to listen and to be there. Will you?” And the faithful usher gladly stopped being busy doing good and did something much better—he took time and listened, he cared, he prayed on the spot... and as he left, somewhere angels were singing. Real Love was in the air everywhere....
“As He saw many people, He had loving-pity on them. They were troubled and were walking around everywhere. They were like sheep without a shepherd.”—Matthew 9:36, New Life Version

The Parable of the Faithful Usher is a Love story Jesus is always wanting to bring about, if only we will pay attention…and follow through. He alone is the Light of the world, but His light was always meant to shine brightest through all who believe in His name and seek to follow. It’s not just any kind of Light, either. It’s the kind of Light where our Sunday-best worship is supposed to have “feet on” and not left behind as we head out the door. It’s the kind of Light where the most effective ministry methods aren’t always preaching, programs, or about being busy doing church “stuff." And especially, it’s not about waiting for the perfect moment and mood.

"Do you really want to know?"

Sometimes, in His footsteps, the Light we need most for a Love story that really matters is to be willing take a few minutes to listen (and be slow to offer advice), pray, and let God take it from there.

" simply loving the person in front of you. It's about stopping for the one and being the very fragrance of Jesus."Heidi Baker

(Originally published August 19, 2018)

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