Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lean on Me

Photo: Felix Mittermeier,
“Your word is like a lamp for my feet
    and a light for my path— it shows how life should be lived.”—Psalm 119:112, Expanded Bible

Adapted from a journal entry written 10 days before the world went on lockdown. It's since proven to be an encouragement. With God, there are no coincidences…

I have taken this verse as my theme verse for the year. Even today, it is interesting to “see” with this Lamp (which is more than words of counsel but a Person) that the context is not blue skies by day and bright moonlight by night. It is a vow said in a time of darkness, and fear, and uncertainty. Favorite verse? Really, is that your vow in such a time? Where do you really go first, honestly? What do you really rely on in such times? How often during trial or stress do you spend more time processing circumstances around and around in your own brain rather than resting in the guidance of the Lamp? A kindred verse comes to mind…

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not trust in your own understanding. Agree with Him in all your ways,
and He will make your paths straight.”
—Proverbs 3:5-6, NLV

...So really, your theme verse of the year is not so much about direction as it is a call to be steadfast in every season—when you can see clearly and especially when you cannot. When your natural tendency is to lean toward “I can figure this thing out on my own,” the call to let the Lamp guide is definitely a personal challenge. But if it couldn’t be done, God would not have said so.

So keep your favorite verse, but be alert, be wise, and lean on the Lamp to help you navigate the realities of this life:

"Cast the whole of your careall your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for allon Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
Be well balancedtemperate, sober of mindbe vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger, seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
Withstand him; be firm in faith against his onset—rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined...
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, Who imparts all blessing and favor, Who has called you to His own eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you."—1 Peter 5:7-10, Amplified Classic

“Believe steadfastly on Him and everything that challenges you will strengthen your faith. Faith is absolute trust in God—trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us.”
—Oswald Chambers


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