Sunday, October 11, 2020

When It's Always Sunday

 Photo: Daniel Alexander @

“…Day and night, they never stop saying [singing]…” (Revelation 4:8-11)

Let my worship be at any and all times


And not confined to Sundays

Or, even wrapped up in the definition of “singing”

Let my worship be at any and all times


Because, look!

A foretaste of heaven is all around us:

People from every tribe and shape who You love and long for everlastingly…

What it will look like around Your throne

And landscapes that declare Your hugeness and majesty and beauty

Like those tiny, fragrant flowers that bask in the glow of a field that few notice
But You see them all…Because nothing and no one is too small or unimportant to You

And sunrises and sunsets that declare Your faithfulness

Even when my internal weather may be unsettled...

Everywhere I look (if only I will),

I see Your goodness in the land of the living

All things are Yours

Even those things, like black flies and stink bugs

That make me go, “Why, God?”

Maybe, just perhaps, so that I would simply ask You

And keep the conversation going

At any and all times

About any and everything



To remember over and over and over again:

This life and breath You’ve given me is by You, and from You, and for You

And to remember that I can rest in this promise over and over and over again:

In You, "all things hold together”


You are the glue of my life and of a world that seems totally unglued


So let my worship be at any and all times



A worship that grooves to a regular rhythm of

Looking Up, looking all around at what and who You made for Your pleasure

Even in the routine of the day, whether difficult or smooth-sailing

And think good thoughts, yes,

But also, let it out!

Loud, even

Your will be done on earth, in me and from my lips,

As it is, and is being said and sung right now in heaven


To remind myself that going to church is good...

... But it’s not my destination

It’s a launching pad to bring Sunday with me



“The blessed and inviting truth is that God is the most winsome of all beings, and in our worship of Him, we should find unspeakable pleasure.”—A.W. Tozer

[Updated from 4-30-17]

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