Sunday, January 3, 2021

Proverbs and Prayers to Carry

From the craziest of years, 12 Vitamin proverbs and prayers for new beginnings in 2021 to help carry you forward...and slow you down once in awhile, too...

It’s not always pleasant or full of acceptance, but this Word, these Words, make a difference. And these Words of life that will come out of your pores from all that reading and listening matter. And will change you, bit by bit. This Life is not stuck in a Book. This Life is practical and for real, and fully meant to be lived…Way beyond Sunday.

—from “What Difference Does it Make?”

Remember that Jesus’ final words before ascending began with: “Go…” To remember that your mission field could be in a land far away but more likely it’s right in your own back yard, and in and through the things and interests and places and people that God has poured into your life for His purposes…

—from “Just Go”

An essential calming, daily “to-do and to-be” list:
Keep an attitude of prayer
Keep being thankful
Keep in the Word of Truth, comfort and promise, and especially hang out in the Psalms
Keep singing, keep drinking in the lyrics, and let faith drive out fear
Keep at it because fear is persistent

—from “Living Hope”

Even if I can’t swallow all the world’s problems, I can always start right here, I can always start praying where God has planted me. This little town, just like a lot of little towns—in the middle of nowhere…but it is somewhere to God, and God always notices, And I am not here by accident, even if only to seek its welfare.

—from “Start Here”

The most effective evangelism methods are often not the loudest or with just the right words or by randomly handing out a tract. They begin with listening before speaking. What the world needs now….

—from “The Power of Nothing to Say”

Lord, help us to never underestimate the renewing, refreshing, re-energizing, hope-filled, comforting power of a simple spoken word of encouragement. There is no one who is exempt from needing one. Because You have urged, commanded, exhorted, reminded, and poked us — fathers, mothers, friends, co-workers, spiritual parents and mentors — from just about every angle, and more than 70 times in Your Word, to encourage one another. To make war against the darkness of negativity, hateful words and deeds, and the fear-induced spirit of the 24/7 news cycle, by speaking wonderful words of life into someone's atmosphere of weariness.

—from “A Snapshot Worth Remembering”

God’s guidance, protection, wisdom, discernment and direction are gifts, but I also need to walk them out every time I step out the door. I have a purpose…I carry the Light wherever I go because He is the Light that lives within me. I have a weapon of praise…My Light breaks through fear of the dark and all the unknowns of life. I have the world’s most reliable GPS…He is the Light that helps me see and trust for what is ahead, even on those days when I can’t see one step in front of me. And my Light never goes out—He never loses power, He is always true and right, always faithful, never changes, always shines for my good…

—from “Lessons from an Old Red Lantern”

The next time there is a meteor against a canvas of the night sky, or a spectacular sunset, or cloud formations that make your jaw drop, or the flight of an eagle overhead, remember that these are more than things of beauty to admire and then get on with life. They are a reminder that while God may have finished creation in seven days, He is still speaking forth wonderful and amazing things that are best seen rather than heard, that He has never stopped, and He never will, and that no matter how the day has gone, no matter the challenges ahead, God isn’t finished painting you yet, either…

—from “A Pandemic Blessing in Disguise"

“If a man just stops to think what he has to praise God for, he will find there is enough to keep him singing praises for a week,”said D.L. Moody. So let the praises ring. Remind yourself all over again. Fight against the adversary’s lie: “Pft, it doesn’t matter.” Because he knows that it really does. Since ancient times, God has ordained praise from His people to confound enemies, make darkness flee, lift heavy hearts, fuel amazing signs and wonders, and most of all build up His Church. You. You know this. You just need to put on the garment of praise all over again.

—from “Open Wide Your Mouth”

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15). Choose for yourself things not to be checked off but to be walked out over and over again. Things Jesus said and did. Things He said and did only because His Father was saying and doing them. Things His first followers saw Him do in the routine of their days, and then sought to do likewise, and then wrote down for our benefit some 2000 years later. A roadmap for the much less traveled path.

At every crossroads, then, take the back road, and choose Life as it was meant to be lived.

—from “Take the Back Road”

“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.” Still. He is not in the stands watching the game unfold, wondering if the players will ever get it right as the game seems to get out of control. He is the unseen Captain on and in the field, from the rising of the sun to its setting, unfazed by wind and cold and storm. Often calling plays that are not in our playbook and that don’t make sense. Until at just the right time, they do. They always do. And they always will.

—from “The Captain in the Field”

Reset: Seek first the Kingdom of God and not human logic or expert advice…and worship. Seek first and keep on seeking Him at the start of each day, one step in front of the other, even if you aren’t sure where it all leads…and worship. “Seek and deeply long for the Lord and His strength His power, His might; seek…and deeply long for His face and His presence continually.” (Psalm 105:4. Amplified) Keep looking Up…and come, let us adore Him.

—from “Heading in the Right Direction”

“Often, you can see the power lines running alongside the street. Unless current is flowing through them, there is no light. The power line is you and I! The current is God! We have the power to allow the current to flow through us and thus generate the Light of the world: Jesus—or, to refuse to be used and, thus, allow the darkness to spread.”

—Mother Theresa

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