Sunday, February 21, 2021

A Better Way

The woods are lovely, dark and deep…”  

Robert Frost penned these words about the woods at night, but this is also what the woods look like just as the day’s first beams of sunlight reach over the horizon. It’s a peaceful picture of hope and possibilities and wonder for a new day… and then the rest of those verses begin to sink in: 

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep.”

And with mug of hot beverage in hand and eyelids barely open, as thoughts of the new day’s responsibilities and cares invade the view, it can be easy to let hope be tempered by “How am I going to get it all done?,” or possibilities by the prospect of a to-do list that seems overwhelming, or wonder to be elbowed by endless “what ifs?”

But there is a more excellent way!…Keep staring at the woods lovely, dark and deep but head in a different direction:


Thank You that “I lay down and slept safely; I awakened, for You sustained me.” (Psalm 3:5)

Thank You that no matter what the headlines say, “This is the day that You have made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)

Thank You that You alone “give life and breath to everything, and satisfy every need.” (Acts 17:25)

Thank You that no matter what others think of me or I think of myself, that in Your eyes, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14)

“Thanksgiving is worry’s kryptonite. You can’t worry if you’re giving thanks." — Matt Chandler

Thank You for the “incredible quality of love You have shown to us, that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!” (1 John 3:1)

Thank You that even when I feel alone — even in a crowd — I’m not because Your name is “God with us” and You have promised “never will I leave you, never will I abandon you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Thank You that no matter what I feel, I know I can trust You because “it is impossible for God to lie.” (Hebrews 6:18)

Thank You that You are “not a human who changes his mind. Whatever You promise, You do; You speak, and it is done.” (Numbers 23:19)

Thank You that no matter what it may look like, “The earth belongs to You, and everything in it — the world and all its people.” (Psalm 24:1)

Thank You for the reminder that being thankful “strengthens my faith.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

And thank You especially that no matter what, You never quit on anything, that “You are good and Your love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)

“O God, my heart is quiet and confident. No wonder I can sing Your praises! Rouse yourself, my soul! Arise, O harp and lyre! Let us greet the dawn with song! I will thank You publicly throughout the land. I will sing Your praises among the nations. Your kindness and love are as vast as the heavens. Your faithfulness is higher than the skies!” (Psalm 57:7-10)

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