Sunday, April 18, 2021

Parable of the Unusual Journey

Photo: Jakub Kriz

Once upon a time not all that long ago, in a land not very far away, a man bent over to lace up his usual sneakers and set out on his usual journey of usual length on the usual road. It usually was enjoyable and beneficial. Nevertheless, it was usual in every way and it had become routine, and safe and predictable. Until one day, his usual sneakers took him on an unusual road that was not of the usual length. It was longer—not by a lot but by enough so that it demanded determination, which produced more perseverance than he thought he had. He no longer thought the usual thoughts but began to wonder, “What if?…” 

This was becoming more common. Apparently, everything within the man had maxed out on usual and wanted something unusual to grow, to strengthen, to be more nimble and enduring even into a headwind. Without even realizing it, he was becoming something unusual, and better, and healthier in body, mind and soul. And somehow he knew that even this road of not the usual length wouldn’t be long enough for much longer. And it was good….

…“Therefore become imitators of God — copy Him and follow His example — as well-beloved children imitate their father.” (Ephesians 5:1-2, Amplified)

…It is easy and comfortable to stay stuck on usual when all the time, God has created us for “become.”

To stretch things out. To “grow to be.” Regardless of age.

And as long as it is called today, it’s a good day to stop standing still, to stop running in circles, to stop doing the same, safe, comfortable thing over and over and wondering why we feel like we’re not making much progress.

Because, truth is, we were made for much more than usual.

Made to become.

More and more like, and walk more and more like... Jesus.


To become more of a holy person. (What? No way!)

No, not "holier than thou" but as in, like God holy, “set apart” from the ways and thinking of this world that, in the end, go nowhere.

And yet to become more in the world with the light of Who is inside us...but not of it.

Real, and not plastic.

Not finger-pointing and frowning but pointing the better Way and maybe grabbing someone by the arm and helping them get up and look Up.

To live and love better Vertically so we can live and Love better horizontally.

And to realize “become" will take awhile, like our whole life, but to never give up or settle for usual.

To remember: “Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” (Steve Prefontaine, Olympic runner)

…And on those days when “usual” sounds more appealing, it’s good to remember that “become” is not just for the special, or the weird, or the the intense, or the bold and well-spoken, or for people who have extra time on their hands—it’s for every one of God's kids. 

It’s about keeping the main thing the main thing: simply…sticking …close.

Remember what the religious leaders said about usual guys Peter and John: “they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13)

They were becoming unusual.

Because it’s not just the usual of what we know about God, but what we do with it:

“Sermons last but an hour or two, but your life preaches all the week.”

—Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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