Sunday, May 9, 2021

Seeing Beyond the Blue-Blue-Blue

While talking with my son the other day about the goings on in our lives, as is often the case, the topic of decision-making came up in the conversation. In the grand scheme of things, mine was not huge but it was still weighing on me. And he didn’t try to talk me into or out of it, but just said five simple words in response. It was if a megaphone from Heaven had pierced through the non-stop springtime clouds and into my heart:

"Perspective is everything, son"...

You only need to look up to see what the megaphone is saying. Because in between these non-stop springtime clouds are glorious blue-sky days—something about the angle of the sun at this time of year that makes everything above blue-blue-blue. But that's not all. Because when you look up into that blue sky, as vast and deep and limitless as it seems, scientists say that the highest clouds you can see are “only” about 7 miles above the ground. But there’s much more beyond that. There’s the boundary between the vast blue and outer space that is about 62 miles away. And there is another layer beyond that where there is no air at all that is about 6,000 miles above your back yard. And some of the stars and galaxies you can see with the naked eye on a clear night are so far out there, they’re light years away.

And it just keeps going and going and going…

Whenever life’s circumstances and decisions, both big and small—but especially the seemingly silly small ones—seem to loom large right in front of you, and when God seems to be out there somewhere but not in the moment, it’s good to look up into that blue-blue-blue, and into the wonderful Words of life, and recalibrate, and remember…

"Perspective is everything, son"...

“The Lord says, ‘My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.’”—Isaiah 55:8-9

And this: “As high as the sky is above the earth, so great is His love for those who respect Him. He has taken our sins away from us as far as the east is from west.”—Psalm 103:11-12

And this: “When I look up into the night skies and see the work of Your fingers—the moon and the stars You have made—I cannot understand how You can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him! And yet You have made him only a little lower than the angels and placed a crown of glory and honor upon his head.”—Psalm 8:3-5

And this: “O Lord God! See, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your long arm! Nothing is too hard for You!”—Jeremiah 32:17

And this:

“God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him. God is great because nothing is too small for Him, either.”—Mark Batterson

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