Sunday, May 15, 2022

That Name


(Photo: Priscilla du Preez

There is Fred Flintstone, and Fred Rogers. And around these parts, there’s this funny fellow named Fred Marple. But as a little kid, I knew that there was only one Fred who really mattered—the one who I could run to, who could pick me up, who alone could help in my time of need. Fred was my dad’s name and I knew there was no other Fred like him. There was something about that name.

Throughout history, and even today, like many people named Fred, many men have also been named Jesus. The apostle Paul commends one for his friendship and loyalty as “Jesus, who is called Justus.” (Colossians 4:1). In Spanish-speaking countries, Jesus is a popular name to be given baby boys and pronounced “hey-ZOOS.” And in contemporary culture, the Greek root name for Jesus—Joshua—is one of the most popular of all guy names.

But there is no power in just having the name Jesus. The power is in who He alone is. Not just another person named Jesus but Jesus the Christ—the Messiah, the Savior of the world, God’s one and only deliverer of salvation. Like my dad, there is none other like this Jesus. None. In fact, when the name Jesus of Nazareth was spoken during His time on earth, or when this particular Jesus was identified, as Peter confessed, “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” the whole world shook in awe and fear and wonder and love, and even…“At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth…” (Philippians 2:10)

You wonder why you wince or feel something righteously angry entwined with an unexplainable rush of Love whenever someone around you uses that Name in vain? It is not human backlash. It is the Holy Spirit bearing witness within us that this Jesus of whom they are swearing is not just any Jesus but our Savior’s Holy name and there is no Jesus like Him. "You have no idea what you're saying!" There’s just something about that Name!

…On the night Jesus Christ was betrayed, when fear, uncertainty and sorrow gripped the disciples, when they heard their closest Friend in such prayerful agony that He sweat drops of blood, it must have felt like their whole world was spinning out of control. But then a shocking moment as the religious leaders’ soldiers, led by Judas the betrayer, approached and said they were looking for Jesus of Nazareth:

“When Jesus said ‘I AM he,’ they drew back and fell to the ground.” (John 18:6).

Even when it all seemed bleakest in Gethsemane, all authority still belonged to that Name above all names, because as He had already declared: “My life cannot be taken away by anybody else; I AM giving it of My own free will. My authority allows Me to give My life and to take it again. All this has been commanded by My Father.” (John 10:18) No other man named Jesus had every claimed that and never will...

Why does any of that matter today?

...Because no matter how many times someone uses Jesus’ name in vain, or no matter how crazy life looks around us at any given moment, nothing ever has or ever will have authority over that Name above all names, Jesus Christ. And that means no matter what, we can always trust in, declare, sing and confidently pray that Name, believing that every time we do so, we will be strengthened within knowing that all authority still belongs to Jesus the Christ alone, just as it did in that darkest of nights in the garden of Gethsemane. No other Jesus or Joshua or Fred can ever say or do that.

There’s something about that Name!…and He’s still got the whole world in His hands.

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