Sunday, October 16, 2022

Parable of the Man With the Camera

Seeing through the fog at the high school football game.

Many years ago, a man went off to a nearby town to photograph a surprise retirement party for a couple who had served their company for 50 years. The man was juggling many responsibilities and had a lot on his mind but wanted to make sure everything was done right. So, he quickly put an extra notebook and pens in his camera bag, made sure that there was plenty of extra film (this was many years ago, remember) and that the battery was charged, and hurried on his way. It was a happy time for all, and the man with the camera was pleased that he captured the once-in-a-lifetime moments. Or so he thought, for when he went to unload the film canister from the camera, there was nothing. Nothing. Despite all of his good intentions, in his haste, the man had forgotten to see if the camera had film loaded and ready before he took off. Fortunately, the gracious couple arranged for a do-over, but the man with the camera never forgot that being in a hurry and juggling too many things at once could be a recipe for disaster.

Many years later, the man with the camera went off to a nearby room in his office building to photograph an award being presented to his company. The man was juggling many responsibilities and had a lot on his mind, but wanted to make sure everything was done right. So, he quickly made sure the battery was charged and then hurried on his way. No film because this was digital (this was many years later, remember). It was a proud moment for all, and the man with the camera was pleased that he captured the smiles and handshakes. Or so he thought, for when he returned to his office to download the photos from the memory disk, there was nothing. Nothing. Despite all of his good intentions, in his haste, the man assumed that there was a disk in the camera because who, after all, would remove such a thing. Fortunately, a do-over was arranged, but the man with the camera never forgot that assuming everything is taken care can be a recipe for disaster.

Several years later still, the man with the camera went to a nearby field to photograph the local football team under the Friday night lights. This time, he was not juggling many responsibilities and didn’t have a lot on his mind, but before departing, he still vividly recalled his many-years-ago and many-years later lessons. "Won't happen again," he said. The man with the camera was ready, but he wanted to make sure everything was done right, so he got some counsel on nighttime photography from another man with a camera. It was an exciting atmosphere full of much action, and the man with the camera was pleased that it was such a beautiful night. Or so he thought, for when he went to zoom in on the action, a thick blanket of fog rolled onto the field. It was difficult to see. See anything. Despite being fully prepared, the man with the camera did not expect the unexpected. Fortunately, the fog lifted at times and he was able to complete his mission, but the man with the camera went home thinking not about football but about another lesson never to be taken for granted.

But that was not all, for one night not long ago, the man with the camera had a dream that was as clear as the football field before the fog rolled in. He was hearing words as if from heaven sung into his life, but they seemed strange at first because they were from a song he learned at Boy Scout camp long ago: “Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning…keep me burning ’til the break of day.” He wasn't sure exactly why but the man took those words to heart when he awoke, and he was very surprised to learn that wasn’t the end of the song, for there was much more to it:

“Give me love in my heart, keep me sharing…”

“Give me joy in my heart, keep me singing…”

“Give me faith in my heart, keep me praying…”

And then it all came into focus for the man with the camera: Distractions…assumptions…the unexpected in life…they are all inevitable. And no matter how hard you try, they are unavoidable. What to do? Just stay close to and keep talking to God, ’til the break of day. Refill often, ’til the break of day. Stay faithful and even when you trip up, keep going, ’til the break of day.

And most of all, keep living that Scout camp song—all the verses—’til the break of day.

“…When the Son of Man comes, will He find persistence in faith on the earth?”

—Luke 18:8, Amplified Classic

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