Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Wave

Building waves at North Beach, Ogunquit, Maine.
Once upon a time, in fact, only a few days ago, a man had a real-as-life dream that seemed to have been triggered by something far removed from whatever he may have had to eat before bed.

This was no usual mish-mash of his day’s or life’s events, or a weird blend of the stuff weighing on his subconscious, or the panic of classes he missed in college. This was one of those rare dreams when he knew when he was in it and when he awoke that it was not trivial but perhaps weighty and Eternal. The kind you don’t dismiss with a yawn and a strong cup of coffee, but the kind that you write down—every detail—and ponder, and pray about, and wonder, and pay attention to…

…The time was late winter, perhaps early spring. I was standing on a sidewalk outside our town’s elementary school looking out on the large expanse of playing fields down the embankment. Everything was covered with water, like a large lake or an ocean. The water was heaving and gently rolling. From the south end of the field, a train of snow piles that seemed to have gathered momentum, as though pushed by a river during spring thaw, paraded on to the back of the “lake.” This seemed to cause what looked like a huge building wave that was coming toward me and other unknown faces around me, and we sensed it was coming toward the school—but not in a horrific or fearful way. There was no panic, although I felt myself instinctively running for cover to get out of its way. As I turned around to look, the building wave was very blue, as if from heaven itself. Just as I was about to reach an unlocked door to the school gym, the wave had somehow surrounded me and was coming from the other direction as well. Again, no nightmarish fear. I remember diving through it and feeling neither cold nor warm but incredibly refreshed. A friend who had been with me said he decided to ride the wave, and though he was soaked, he was beaming from ear to ear with joy. Once inside the gym, although the wave had washed over the school, all was well. Peaceful. Of note, however, was where there had been an actual slow drip of water from a leaky roof had turned into a torrent. No one was concerned. Someone who appeared to be a teacher approached with a smile and gave off a vibe that everything was going to be fine. The scene suddenly transitioned to walking out of the school and back to my car. And as I walked down a hallway, it morphed into a sprawling restaurant-like atmosphere crowded with adults who were loud and having fun but who seemed to be totally oblivious to what had just happened down the hall and outside…

You have probably heard on the news or online about a wonderful wave of spiritual awakening that is significantly impacting several college campuses and even public schools across the nation. The media isn't quite sure what to make of it. Church people in my generation have tried to define it, label it, critique it, even make it their own. But this is not about us, really. This is about God sovereignly showing love to a generation desperately in need of some. Many are, reportedly, being healed of deep hurts in the process. They are discovering or rediscovering who Jesus is, that He is not “religious” or political, and that He is more than a figure from history. And they may or may not be interested in coming to our churches or listening to sermons…yet. Shocking.

Because this is a wave of Love that does not precisely fit a mold from “revivals” of the past, it has caused some to question its authenticity. In fact, however, it looks something like this: a young man who seems troubled and weighed down by the craziness of the world around him is approached by a Believer, greeted by name, told that God loves him, and is given a hug. And a dam breaks. Simple as that. That kind of “revival.”

If the man’s dream means anything, that sort of wave can happen wherever we live, and it is not to be feared but embraced. But none of us will make it happen. It can’t be announced or programmed or event-ed. If there is a wave in our towns, it will be a sovereign wave of God. And it will be because of one thing— someone and several someones prayed, and never quit praying, for the kids and teachers in their community. And it will be because our generation embraces the wave but gets out of the way and simply stands ready to be spiritual moms and dads. Ready with a prayer, a “God loves you” and an embrace.

May my generation never be like that oblivious, “who cares?” throng in the dream’s restaurant.

That would be a nightmare. 

“But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

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