Sunday, May 28, 2023


Along Rachel Carson National Wildlife Reserve, Moody, Maine

Through years of hurricanes, blizzards, floods, blistering heat, bone-chilling cold, and many joyfully beautiful days stands this familiar, solitary little pine tree on Bourne Avenue on the way to Moody beach. As many times as I pass it, like one morning this week, I marvel that it’s still there.

I think it is still there in the middle of the marsh only because ...

It has grown deep roots under stress Bends but refuses to break And still bears fruit of pine cones as it grows older It never gives in It stands strong even when standing alone …

I think I’ll frame this one.

God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn:

    When you don’t follow the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes,

When you avoid sin’s highway,

    When judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse.

For you, the Word is your happiness.

    It is your focus—from dusk to dawn.

You are like a tree,

    Planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry.

Your fruit ripens in its time;

    Your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun.
No matter what you do, you prosper.—Psalm 1:1-3, The Voice


For vitamins beyond Sunday, see the Day Starter morning devotionals on Facebook at:

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