Sunday, December 27, 2015

Unlikely World Changers

"At night, some shepherds were living out in the fields in that region watching their flock. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them. The glory of the Lord surrounded them, and they became very frightened. The angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid because I am bringing you good news that will bring great joy to all the people.'" — Luke 2:8-10, Expanded

Maybe these guys wouldn’t have been our first choice to announce the arrival of the Savior of mankind. But just maybe, God was beginning to lay a foundation to the Gospel message, even before one word was spoken or before one miracle was performed as evidence and simply out of Love. A timeless foundation, and reminder, for even the 52nd week of another year quickly flown by:

This world is not our home, so make every day count while we're here.

Because the angelic announcement was made to home-less shepherds, about a home-less Savior who came to ransom the homeless of heart so that they (and we) would be sent back to the “fields” of the day-to-day to repeat the sounding joy...

...Sometimes with words, sometimes with deeds and by example, often both. And always, like the shepherds and the Child born in a manger as unlikely world-changers living each day with an understanding (and even with a sense of urgency) that this is all merely our transitional shelter. 

“It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that He didn’t call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace.” — Francis Chan

[ADAPTED FROM 12-22-13]

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