Sunday, January 3, 2016

Immense with Love

"Still, when God saw the trouble they were in and heard their cries for help, He remembered his Covenant with them, and, immense with love, took them by the hand. He poured out his mercy on them while their captors looked on, amazed. Save us, God, our God! Gather us back out of exile so we can give thanks to your holy name and join in the glory when you are praised! Blessed be God, Israel’s God! Bless now, bless always! Oh! Let everyone say Amen! Hallelujah!"  
Psalm 106: 44-48, Message

The long and winding adventure of the set-free children of Israel, out of the bondage, oppression and hopelessness of Egypt and toward the land where everything that flows is abundant and good, is the soundtrack of our Walk. Better still, it is the new song for another new year and another leg of this incredible journey...

God has fantastic promises, plans, and destinations ahead.
I will undoubtedly wander even as I follow.
Yet, He will remain faithful.
I will move forward, and even when it feels like I'm going backwards,
He will remain faithful.
I will, no doubt, be tempted to whine when the going gets especially tough.
Immense with Love, He will reach down and listen, in spite of myself.
Because what He promised, He promised.
He remains faithful.
My faith, my hope, my pursuit of Him may get shaky during certain stretches.
And yet even "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself."
As in all the years before, I will ask for help, for guidance, for provision time and again.
And as in all the years before, immense with Love, He will provide...
In His way, His timing.
And often, far beyond all I could imagine or think.
Since this world cannot satisfy,
I will regularly get desperate for refreshing of mind, body, and spirit,
And He will remind me of this:
"He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a river in the desert."
Say it again: God has fantastic promises, plans, and destinations ahead!
No straight line, for sure, but there is great joy in this adventure
Because He formed me for this,
And knows me by name, and loves me
With an amazing Love that would willingly pay such a price,
Even if I was the only pilgrim on the highway of holiness.
My God is immense with Love!
Over the next 363 days, let my praise, my worship, my life never get sucked in to "whatever."
And even though life happens, with all its goodness mixed with trials and doubts,
This is another year, another beautiful gift given to press on, and in, and through
For what everything within strangely knows is the only thing ultimately worth pursuing,
Being reminded every step along the way:
Immense with Love, He will remain faithful.

"Old things have passed away
Your love has stayed the same
Your constant grace remains the cornerstone...
For all that you’ve done we will pour out our love
This will be our anthem song

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