Sunday, July 4, 2021

One in a Million, Million...

“…Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple." (Colossians 1:27, Message)

Sometimes, we try to make this Walk more complicated than it really is. But for anyone who truly internalizes “Jesus is just Who He says He is,” the simple, rather outrageous truths are these because He "is in you":

We are built for Eternity, not just the here and now
We have the heart of and for God, not to keep it to ourselves
We have His hands and feet to serve, and lift, and heal, with all of Heaven's goodness
We have the mind of Christ, to think, act, and live in extraordinary, supernatural ways
We have the joy of the Lord as our strength
We have the wisdom of God whenever we ask
We have the peace of God that passes all our understanding
We have the love of God as our fuel for all things
We have the authority of God from the unshakeable Word of God
We are built to rule and reign, to love and live fully, on earth as it is in heaven
And no matter what condition our body parts may be in
Or how old or young
There is no expiration date on our spiritual tools and weapons
We have each been hand-crafted for His pleasure and His glory
To bring hope where there isn’t much at the moment
To bring Light where darkness and fear are suffocating
Wherever that “bring” may be, and however it may look and flow through each one

And all that is missing is …
An activation button, a switch, a step forward in faith
On our part
Because the choice is always ours
Because we have been built with free will to follow Him... or not
To obey Him ...or not,
To live for eternal and Kingdom purposes...or not,
To be an activated “in you” person...or not

"You made me; You created me.
    Now give me the sense to follow Your commands." (Psalm 119:73)

Yes, what the psalmist said.
To simply choose daily to take the “or not” option off the table
To put on my true identity of being built by Him from head to toe, inside and out,
Through and through
For entirely wonderful, eternal purposes
For sharing in God's glory, even in the most surprising, natural settings
And circumstances and conversations
It’s really that simple…

“God put a million, million doors in the world
For His love to walk through
One of those doors is you.” — Jason Gray

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