Sunday, June 20, 2021

Dad's Letters


“So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for His purposes.” — Ephesians 5:15-16, The Passion Translation

There are certain photos from moments in time that don’t quickly fade. One is the day my parents dropped me off for college. Just before leaving, I still picture them both standing outside the door to my dorm room, looking at me with that “So, is this it? You’re on your own now?” expression. No tears. No smiles. Kind of a numb realization. As much as I was excited to be there, a part of me wanted to say, “OK, I change my mind, let’s go home.” But my roommate was there so that wouldn’t have been cool. And my parents would have blocked my exit anyway.

The rope to the parent-child mooring was loosed, and it was off to the glorious unknown. The time of hand-holding was over. The time of navigating life for yourself had begun.

In the days and months that followed, although my parents weren’t physically present, I never felt very far away from their voice and influence. Mom called just about every week, not to pry but just to see how I was and to catch me up on things back home. And every once in awhile, I’d get these hand-written letters in the mail from dad. Somehow, he knew I was looking for a map on how to steer this thing called life-on-your-own. They were always warm words full of wisdom and never a lecture. But I remember each one had this theme:

Live life well… be careful how you live… I love you.

Like everyone else, I messed up a lot along the way of discovering life-on-your-own. I still do. But I never forgot the spirit of dad’s letters — wise counsel that has stood the test of time. A type and shadow of my Dad who has penned a much more powerful Letter but that still carries the same themes as dad’s: Live life well… be careful how you live… I love you. I really like that last part. Especially because, unlike being dropped off for college, with this Letter, there is never a worry of having to navigate life for yourself. It’s always right there in black and white and red, there to be read and remembered and lived out over and over again. All with an incredible promise, not unlike that frozen image of mom and dad standing in the doorway: “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Thanks, dad. And thanks, Dad. I can’t think of a better torch to pass along…

“My child, pay attention to My words;

    listen closely to what I say.

Don’t ever forget My words;

    keep them always in mind.

They are the key to life for those who find them;

    they bring health to the whole body.

Be careful what you think,

    because your thoughts run your life.

Don’t use your mouth to tell lies;

    don’t ever say things that are not true.

Keep your eyes focused on what is right,

    and look straight ahead to what is good.

Be careful what you do,

    and always do what is right.

Don’t turn off the road of goodness;

    keep away from evil paths.”

—Proverbs 4:20-27, New Century

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