Sunday, June 13, 2021

When 'Not Much' Can Be Huge

"For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." (1 Chronicles 16:9)

The next time you find yourself responding to someone's "What's new?" with "Not much," it's good to remember that there probably really is a lot going on beneath the surface of all that seems routine and obvious and even dull. It is good to know God is no respecter of activity or events of any size for anyone whose heart is His, and that He is just as active in the "not much" of life as He is in the moments and achievements that seem big, and cool, and important to us. 

Quite often, in fact, He'll use a parable—a simple story from our "not much" kind of week—to remind us what and Who in life really matters, and that whether waking or sleeping or driving or going to the hardware store, that He is very much delighting in us and at work in us every step of the way as we stay faithful in even the small things... 
  • It is good to laugh like a kid while watching a thunderstorm from a porch, but it is better to duck in awe and wonder in the presence of the rushing wind of God. Selah.
  • When each passing day seems pretty much just like all the others, it is good to remember that faithfulness in the routine is how Jesus lived while in the carpenter’s shop for 18 years.
  • A busy life is not always a fruitful life, and the wise will continually prune back all that does not produce a heart that beats only to the simple Gospel.
  • Like the man who went into his room, closed the door, and lifted up his imperfect prayers to his Father, so is a creative gift given back to its Creator and poured out in solitude—it is never wasted, even if no one else sees or hears it.
  • A man on his Journey may feel like he is running in circles and getting nowhere, but the Lord sees perseverance that is strengthening his faith....

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
—Mother Theresa

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