Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pointing When Words Fail

"But if there are words for Him, then I don't have them...but what I do have is Good News..." Pastor Isaac Wimberley, from the poem "Jesus, Forever"

The setting is mingling, networking, socializing, hanging out, and the conversation goes something like this...
So what do you do for a living?
Well, I'm in communications. Been working for years with words to try to express things clearly so people can understand a bit better.
Also, a worship leader.
[insert blank stare] A what?
You, know, if you've ever been to church, that person up front who leads the singing?
Can't be. You would look weird in skinny jeans.
Haha, yeah, well don't believe everything you see on the Internet. This is New England. We come as we are and are comfortable in our own clothing, just like you.
It sounds like it could be fun.
Could be? Could be? Fun doesn't even come close to explaining it. It's joy, but that doesn't even come close to explaining it either. It's grueling and frustrating at times along the way, but not because it's really grueling or frustrating....see, that's the problem.
What could be the problem? You make music for 20 minutes and your day is done. Pretty sweet.
If only it were that easy.
You see, well, I'm in communications. Been working for years with words to try to express things clearly so people can understand a bit better.
Yeah, so you said.
Except sometimes, many times even, in the days that lead up to Sunday, I've got nothin.' No words. Zilch.
Why, what's the problem? Just find a bunch of songs that everyone knows, and you're done.
Done that, and it's OK. But it's not the same as, well, I can't really explain...
You lost me.
OK, so if you're a woodworker, you agonize over the details of every curve and line before you hand it off to your customer, or if you're an athlete like TB12, you sweat every detail to achieve success.
Well, you can follow Jesus all your life, and experience Him in your day-to-day, and you think you know Him until He surprises you with something quite amazing or jaw-dropping at just the moment you need something amazing and jaw-dropping, and you can try to describe it, and try to describe Him, and you want to, need to, tell someone what it's like, to encourage them...but all the words in the world are not good enough.
So yeah, well, you said this thing you do is fun beyond fun, so I don't get it.
No, it really is, totally. It's just the head-on collision between my finite brain with its finite dictionary and the totally unconfined, ever-present everywhere you and I are God of the universe.
That's it. Yes, woah! Wonder. To not just say words like "look" but strong words like "behold"don't miss this!the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. That's the whole point.  He's the whole point. Jesus. Say the Name, over and over. That's where the power is. He's the only reason why we sing, why someone like me is up there leading the way, or trying to anywaynot to fill in the gaps leading up to the sermon or as some kind of pump up the crowd warm-up for all the other stuff to come.
Never thought of it that way before.
That's good! Next time you go to church, think woah! Here's what I mean, it's good to have a Christmas mindset all year long.
Behold, this new twist on a familiar message:

For a Child has been bornfor us!
The gift of a Sonfor us!
He'll take over the running of the world.
His Names will be
Amazing Counselor
Strong God
Eternal Father
Prince of Wholeness.
His ruling authority will grow.
And there'll be no limits to the wholeness He brings.
He'll rule from the historic David throne, over that promised Kingdom.
He'll put that Kingdom on a firm footing
And keep it going
With fair dealing and right living.
Beginning now and lasting always.
The zeal of the God of the angel armies will do all this.

Good point.
When it comes down to it, worship leaders, you see, really would rather be contagious and put themselves out of a job....Just think what could happen if we all could communicate this woah!, in word and deed and attitude, as we walk out those church doors on any given Sunday....

[VIDEO: Pastor Isaac Wimberly, "Jesus, Forever," from "Forever" by Kari Jobe]

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