Sunday, July 2, 2017

At a Loss for Words...Except One

"Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God." (Psalm 90:2)

Lord, who can even begin to fathom that

But if that wasn't enough, the first words of the Old Testament and the first words in one of the New Testament Gospels, say this about You:

"In the beginning, GOD...
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was GOD."

“Beginning.” Clearly, that suggests that there must have been a starting point for all of this, and for You to be You.
Inquiring minds, confined by time and space, want to know. 
Instead, in the words of AW Tozer, there has never been a starting point of who You are, nor an ending point of who You will always be, rather:

“From the beginningless past to the endless future, Thou art God.”

Lord, seriously, who can fathom this?
There are no words.

Wait. There is one….

With Your help, it's time to reclaim one in particular that has always been meant to uniquely describe You, Your nature, Your works and deeds—past, present, and future.
Your Love. 
Your faithfulness, patience, and amazingly amazing grace.
But it’s a word that's been stolen, tarnished, and dumbed down.
It’s been wickedly hijacked into everyday texts, tweets, and hallway greetings.
Including mine. 
The generic description for anything "wow!", ranging from a warm, breezy, sunny day to another "are-you-kidding-me?" Tom Brady touchdown pass must be returned to its rightful place.
At least in my own vocabulary.

Setting “awesome” free is not going to be easy, especially for a New Englander.
But it must be done. 
Especially in light of this:
“I AM the Eternal One. I AM is My name. My beauty is unique, a weighty splendor all My own. And nothing else—no idols could possibly gain my praise.”—Isaiah 42:8, The Voice
"Living becomes an awesome business when you realize that you spend every moment of your life in the sight and company of an omniscient, omnipresent Creator."J.I. Packer

[ADAPTED FROM 6-28-15]

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