Sunday, March 7, 2021

Buckets of Life


Faith, it says in the Gospels, is like a mustard seed.
Trust is like the beautifully-clothed lilies of the field and God's accounting of every hair of a sparrow.
Integrity and Christ-likeness are like the healthy fruit borne of a fig tree.
Those who are in right standing with God will shine like the sun.
The glory of the Lord is like lightning.

Jesus often taught deep, unshakeable truths about God and living well by using simple illustrations from nature. Everyday things all around us. Reach-out-and-touch examples of all that God has created that can turn sometimes hard-to-grasp concepts into something eye-opening practical and fuel for life.

In fact, of a world in great need of a people who will lovingly live out such truths, Jesus told His first followers:

“I’m telling you to open your eyes and take a good look at what’s right in front of you.”
—John 4:35, Message

In New England, the welcoming "right in front of you" evidence of turning that long, seemingly-endless corner from late winter into early spring looks like the sun rising earlier and staying up longer, brave crocus shoots beginning to emerge from retreating south-facing snow packs, the early birds of spring beginning their familiar songs even on see-your-breath mornings, and — perhaps most symbolic and iconic of all — milder days and cold nights signaling the time to tap maple trees to make syrup (the real thing, not that wannabe brown substance in tall plastic bottles).

It all seems so "right in front of you" obvious. And yet what we take for granted with our natural eyes — things like mustard seeds, lilies, sparrows, lightning, even maple sugaring season — God has created to continually reveal a greater glimpse of Himself, if only we will choose to look beyond "right in front of you" and into the buckets of Life that know no season. About those iconic sap buckets, for example...
…“Filled with nutrients and minerals, sap is the blood of a tree. It carries energy out into the branches…as much-needed food during the growth period.” It is sweet and with natural antioxidants…
...“I am the sprouting vine and you’re My branches. As you live in union with Me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you — but, when you live separated from Me. you are powerless…when your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are My mature disciples who glorify My Father!” — John 15: 5, 8, Passion 

Sometimes, where we are and where we want to be in this Walk can feel like turning that long, seemingly-endless corner from late winter to early spring. Not much seems to be happening, or at least not as fast as we'd like. The sap bucket is a "right in front of you" reminder that God is still powerfully at work in all who stay in His grip in every growth-period season, one sweet and beautiful drop at a time...

“There are periods that we forget that in the pursuit of fruit, that if we just abide in Him, then fruitfulness is a guarantee.”
—Francis Chan

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