Sunday, March 28, 2021

As You Go...

“Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here.”—Matthew 10:7

There’s an interesting phrase in some translations of this commissioning by Jesus to His non-seminary, just-regular-folks-like-us disciples: Not just “go” but “As you go…” It implies looking for opportunity to share the Hope that is within us while we’re going about our day.

To ditch the “church talk” that only insiders understand.

To listen. To listen a lot and be slow to speak.

To think “others” before “self” (which always sounds so noble but is incredibly difficult to pull off).

To show the Way, the Truth and the Life in a relatable way through the way that God made each of us think, talk and move, and not try to copy someone else, or feel constrained by a “how to do it” manual, or worrying about all the ways Christ’s name and mission are being hijacked lately by people who have no clue and who are living just the opposite of that Name and mission.

“As you go” means you be you, with Him working through you. Practicing eyes wide open, and praying to see beyond what is Captain Obvious.

Because when you do, some of those opportunities will take you by surprise...

Like when you were on your way to doing something else “important” and just so happened to stop to say hi to your neighbor across the street who was out picking up sticks and other winter debris. And when that neighbor across the street starts a friendly chat and then suddenly shifts gears and announces a series of health issues for him and his wife, you realize that this is a Divine “as you go” moment.

And you could say, “gosh, I’m sorry to hear that,” and leave it there, and keep going on to your “important” task. Or, you could continue with: “I will be lifting you and your wife up in prayer,” or better still, “Can I pray with you?” Very few, no matter what their religious views, will say no to that, especially in a year-plus where just about everyone is starving for any kind of hope. And remembering that we carry the Real Thing.

Some “as you go” missions work better with a phone call, or a note or a text, or doing a favor without being asked. All we need is open eyes to see them—to see Jesus in them, and not to just be nice but to bring Hope with us “as we go.” To follow the words of the song…

“Give me Your eyes for just one second

Give me Your eyes so I can see

Everything that I keep missing

Give Your love for humanity

Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted

The ones that are far beyond my reach

Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten

Give me Your eyes so I can see…”—Brandon Heath

“A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do.”

—Dallas Willard

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