Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Bold Reflection

“That’s when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency…”—Acts 2:14, The Message

As amazing and out-of-this-world as these things were—tongues of fire, a mighty rushing wind, many voices speaking in languages only understood by the hearers—maybe the most amazing takeaway about the move of the Holy Spirit on that first Pentecost was this:
Boldness to stand up and live out all that Jesus has taught and modeled.
Boldness to conquer all of the other-Peter moments, seen only a few days earlier, that can be ruled by
fear, compromise, and wanting to blend in under cultural pressure,
No matter how determined I am that I would never-ever.
Boldness, when all the highs of a holy moment fade away, to fight complacency and daily live out a simple, naturally supernatural kind of life:
Devouring the Word daily as a meal 
Hanging out regularly with other believers in a purposeful, encouraging, joyful way 
Praying. Together, alone, and along the way of the route—A nonstop conversation with the One who made us for such a time as this
Contending for humility and harmony 
Living simply, giving generously 
Worshiping every day, in song and in deed and in attitude 
Living the Life wherever I go: At church where it is safe, at home where I can shut the door on the world, and especially in places where I can be seen 
Being continually, outwardly, publicly grateful and praising God for it all.

And to remember that I cannot possibly do any of that without being continually filled with a Pentecost moment;
To not once-and-done but continually let the Wind and Fire of God’s presence empower me
To boldly reflect the One I follow
To simply be faithful in the moment, every moment,
Until whenever He returns, as if "whenever" is in the next five minutes.

“There’s no economy class Holy Spirit. He only comes fully equipped. He is loaded, full of power and glory. And He wants to be seen as He is—in us.”
—Bill Johnson, “When Heaven Invades Earth”

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