Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Testimony with Bite

"But God even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Don’t be afraid...—Luke 12:7, Expanded

“Look for them—Not everything is just ‘life happening.’ It begins with awareness…” This was the first takeaway from last Sunday’s message on the testimonies we carry. And wouldn’t you know it, it hit home…

That evening while having dinner, I felt something in my dental work shift or give way, but there was no sign of anything broken, so I ignored it for a day or so. Two days later, I figured I'd better call the dentist to make an appointment just to see what was going on. It didn't seem like a big deal, and all seemed like it could wait. There was an opening available on Thursday, which seemed good since it was just before heading out for the weekend. Done. About a minute later, though, a callback: “We just had a cancellation at 3 today if that will work.” It seemed more inconvenient than Thursday, but I sensed (a vague awareness) I should make the change. Done.

During a hasty lunch a couple of hours later while en route to a meeting, I felt my teeth quake again—and that slight tremor I'd felt during dinner on Sunday evening was a sign of more to come: my crown was about to give way. And sure enough, shockingly while munching something non-crunchy, out it came in one piece.

Freaked out? A bit. But because I had strangely decided to change the appointment from Thursday to that afternoon, my dentist was quickly (and painlessly, thank you very much) able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. In the grand scheme of things, a very small blessing, but very large in its own way.

Since God knows everything, even before it happens, I chose not to believe that it was dumb luck or mere circumstance that it just so happened that the tooth issue was a today issue and not a Thursday issue, and that an unexpected door opened with that 3 p.m. cancellation. Skeptics laugh at that and say it was “just life happening.” Maybe.

But maybe instead it was a reminder that a Sunday morning message is supposed to be more than words, and then you go home, and that's that. There is Power in words, after all, if you look for them and believe.

And not only that, that just as He numbers the very hairs on our head, maybe it was a reminder that there is no life circumstance too small that the God of Love doesn’t care about in our lives.

I think I’ll stand on those maybes. #praiseGodfromwhomallblessingsflow

"God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him. God is great because nothing is too small for Him, either."
—Mark Batterson

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