Sunday, May 19, 2019

Wake Up the Wonder

“…but Mary has chosen the better thing.”—Luke 10:42

Doing stuff big and small is important, even necessary.
Always being ready to have something constructive to say can be just what someone, or some situation, needs.
These are the modus operandi of healthy Christ-ones and the Church.
Until Jesus walks into the room of our good busy-ness
And drops the mic: 
“Remember, there always needs to be a time and a place for ‘the better thing.’”
Of being contemplative, in a good sort of way.
Not to navel-gaze or become a Monk,
But to cultivate pausing from all the doing and saying of life,
And, as one writer has put it,
To be observant of and attentive to God’s presence
Where “our minds descend into our hearts.*
To be still and know.
Pause. Reset. Breathe.
To step out into a wide open field or walk through a lush woodland;
To take in the color, the sound, the aromas.
To wake up the wonder of ‘Who did this?’
And then especially to remember a line from an old hymn:
“I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me…”

"Let all people stand in awe of the Eternal;
    let every man, woman, and child live in wonder of Him.
For He spoke, and all things came into being…"
    —Psalm 33:8-9, The Voice

To be stopped in our tracks, for once, is never a waste of time.
It is fuel for a life that worships beyond Sunday,
And fuel for returning to the right perspective:
That God is God and I am not
And that’s a very good thing.

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