Sunday, May 5, 2019

Following Your Dreams

"Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience."—Steven Furtick

On one of those restless nights when it seemed like dreams were changing as quickly and randomly as people’s Stories on Facebook, I saw a page of a notebook that said in bold letters: Luke IX.

Huh. So out of curiosity, I turned to it when I got up, and nothing really jumped out except the opening passages about Jesus sending out His 12 guys into the world. Because I was reminded all over again that I think it really strange that Jesus—the most thoughtful, wise, and intelligent person to ever walk the earth—tells them to take nothing for the journey.

Nothing? Why? Makes absolutely no sense.

And then, a surprising response: Instead of going down that brain-pretzel rabbit hole one more time as I re-re-re-read those Master instructions, I found my pen writing two words in the margin:

Maybe the disciples were overthinking it. Maybe Jesus knew their minds were going, “When I’m prepared and other stuff is out of the way, when I’m ready and stocked up with faith, when I feel secure with the words that come out of my mouth, when the time is right…then, we go.”

Always looking for a safety net, just in case.

Maybe them is me,

And maybe these instructions aren’t at all about relying on sensible preparedness. Maybe the Master’s call to “go” is instead an encouragement to fight the natural tendencies of going through the motions of life, of hesitancy, of waiting for the perfect moment…that never comes.

"Go" doesn’t have to be to a land far away, or to throw yourself into some huge mission. But instead, to be faithful and naturally supernatural right where you are. Kind of like where Jesus sent the Twelve.

To begin each day at the beginning, at the door, with keys and coffee in hand. To become intentional about cultivating purposefulness in direction every single morning. To pursue bold wisdom: “God, You know I’ve got plans, and to-dos and obligations, but what seemingly small or even life-changing thing do You want me to see, hear, think, do and be along the way?”...

“Wisdom is a gift from a generous God.
And every word He speaks is full of revelation
And becomes a fountain of understanding within you.
For the Lord has a hidden storehouse of wisdom
Made assessable to His godly lovers.
He becomes your personal bodyguard as you follow His ways
Protecting and guarding you as you choose what is right.”
—Proverbs 2:6-8, Passion

Follow your dreams. Just go….

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