Sunday, July 21, 2019

The AboutFace App

Just two older men quietly enjoying some exercise and the cool of the evening.
Except as I passed them, their conservation was animated, and something made my radar go up.
I also recognized one of them as the man who had struck up a friendly conversation with me in early spring, at the same location, with the same activity—he walking and me running…

“Won’t be long now,” he said, looking around the athletic complex that had shed its winter coat and was ready to be reawakened to track and lacrosse and baseball and softball.
We shook hands and introduced ourselves, and went our way.
And then I remembered: “No way, that was Mr. B! No wonder he kept looking toward the baseball field.”
Twenty minutes ago, Mr. B didn’t look or move like that at all.
Twenty minutes ago, or so it seemed, he was in the third base coach’s box helping and encouraging young men to play the game with excellence and enthusiasm, and shouting to never give up.
And just 20 minutes before that, Mr. B was a player. Man, was he a player!
He played baseball and several other sports during high school, and legend has it with the same endless enthusiasm and contagious perseverance…

Picking up my pace, I soon came upon the two friends again on their modern day Emmaus Road walk and was wondering, as Jesus did, “what are you guys talking about?”
I didn’t have to ask, because it was loud and clear why my radar went up as I ran by.
Mr. B and his buddy were not talking baseball, or politics, or the weather.
The words “God” and “prayer” kept peppering their conversation.
And with each passing lap, admittedly eavesdropping to hear what was next, Mr. B and his friend continued to talk God talk—practical, real-life God talk—as if, after all these years, and in the midst of so much worldly turmoil, and with maybe only another 20 minutes to go, that was all that really mattered.
“Won’t be long now….”

There were lots good belly laughs on social media this week as younger friends used an app that projected what their face would look like when they got old.
Until I realized I didn’t need the app because I already had the face, and that the younger me was just 20 minutes ago.
But instead of depressing, inspiring.

"In Christ, it's never too late, you're never too old... it's never 'too anything' for Him..."Joyce Meyer 

Because while it would be great to have endless energy and wide-eyed optimism of youth right now and over the next 20 minutes, I think maybe God put Mr. B in my path again this week to speak a better word:

That even if you can’t keep up the pace you once had, keep moving forward nevertheless, one step at a time, with endless enthusiasm and contagious perseverance.

And choose good friends wisely and then listen to and Walk with them, and grab each other with a good grip whenever needed.

And to never hang it up and watch from the sidelines but to plug in your AboutFace app and pass along wisdom and encourage younger Race-runners to keep pursuing with excellence and enthusiasm and to never, ever give up.

Because you’ve found it all to be true and worth it all, and so will they—right now, and 20 minutes from now, too.

And most of all, to remember that amidst the cares and demands of life, only One conversation and meditation will be needed all the way to the Finish line…

"But as for me, I will always have hope and I will praise You more and more. My mouth will tell about how right and good You are and about Your saving acts all day long. For there are more than I can know. I will come in the strength of the Lord God. I will tell about how right and good You are, and You alone.

O God, You have taught me from when I was young. And I still tell about Your great works. Even when I am old and my hair is turning white, O God, do not leave me alone. Let me tell about Your strength to all the people living now, and about Your power to all who are to come."
—Psalm 71:14-8, New Life Version

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