Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Roar of Small Waves

“I will keep coming with waves of My presence upon you until I make you in to all that I have destined you to be…”—from a prophetic prayer by Jim Goll

While walking the beach the other day, I was suddenly aware of the line from an old hymn: “This is my Father’s world…He speaks to me everywhere.”
But here? Right now? On vacation?
And what exactly should I be listening for?
There were no Bible verses in the sand.
No praying hand cloud formations.
No angelic chorus announcing the sun glistening off the water.
Except kids and family laughing and splashing, the sound of surf licking the shore, and an occasional hungry seagull.
And then my eyes, not my ears, caught something:
A lone surfer, patiently and joyfully riding the very small waves,
Paddling out into the deeper water and catching the next roll of surf
Over and over again.
At one point, a small boy approached and the two shared a brief and happily animated discussion before the surfing delight continued.
It was hard not to stop and stare, but then deep inside, I heard something:

"Keep riding with the waves of the Spirit, even when they seem small 
The key word is with: abide in the Vine—apart from Me you can do nothing. 
Keep going deeper still into My goodness and strength, 
And keep a childlike heart of wonder and joy in the journey 
Even when things and life and stuff seem small 
Even if most people are not paying attention 
Or would rather spectate from a safe distance. 
It is your faithfulness in riding the waves of My faithfulness,
Even when they seem small, that matters. 
Because I AM huge, but I AM mostly in your small stuff. 
The joy of the Lord is your strength 
And your great reward. 
And if you fall along the way (and you will),
Just get back on and keep riding. 
With me."

"I pray that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may comprehend the hope to which he has called you, what are the rich benefits of his glorious inheritance among the saints…”

“This is my Father’s world…He speaks to me everywhere.”
Even on vacation.
Even when listening means opening your eyes
And simply asking.

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