Sunday, October 31, 2021

Keep Going

This definitely was not my church. But the dream was vivid nonetheless…

It was in an unrecognizable room with a sea of unrecognizable faces, and our worship team was giving God praise and glory, encouraging as we always do those in the room to do the same. But as I looked out, my eyes were met with widespread unresponsiveness and indifference. Blank expressions. Everyone in this room just sat there. I can’t recall the song being sung other than it was a powerful truth about God. “What’s going on?…”

I was surprised at my response in the dream. In the natural, I think it would have been easy to become discouraged or to stop and move on to something else (or to just stop) or even become critical. Instead, there was a mysteriously strong sense within to ...

keep going, keep going strong 

...and I remembered looking at each blank-stare person with a smile as we kept singing that unknown song with the wonderful message…

I don’t know what happened next because, as is often the case with dreams, I transitioned into some other weird mish-mash scenario of random people from the past and present, barking dogs, jelly donuts, and being late again to that college course I kept skipping because it was too early in the morning.

The next morning, though, I couldn’t shake the picture of that sea of unresponsive faces. I “just so happened” to be reading a familiar scripture from the Complete Jewish Bible that “just so happened” to come to life: “But you are a chosen people, the King’s cohanim [a priesthood who devoted their lives first to worshiping God and then blessing the people with the overflow], a holy [set apart] nation, a people for God ’s possession! Why? In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”

It struck me as if for the first time that Peter is not addressing singers or musicians or even a worship gathering. He is declaring every believer’s new identity. As Jesus told His band of brothers in John 15:16: 

“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you [right where you are], so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name [as My representative] He may give to you.”

That dream wasn’t just weird, it was a reminder: I may have many vocations or hobbies or interests on this earth, but I have one job, one purpose—to worship God with my life and live it out before others…whether anyone believes, responds, agrees or not. If “widespread unresponsiveness and indifference” happened to Jesus, why should I be surprised when it happens me? I’m betting that there will be variations on that dream many more times to come, because it is easy to just go on cruise control, and God’s call to obedience and faithfulness and spreading Love is relentless and passionate. In so many words, I hear Him say again to my heart that it was much more than a weird dream...

“Keep going, keep going strong... your day to day comings and goings and doings and speaking and listening. Even if you don’t see any fruit right away (or even in this lifetime), just unresponsiveness or indifference, don’t ‘become discouraged or stop and move on to something else or even become critical,’

but keep carrying the Light within you.

I am with you and for you always.

And remember that the outcome is out of your hands anyway.

The results are always Mine…and in My timing. Never give up.

Never give up praising.

Never give up sharing and testifying and loving…and especially listening.

Never give up praying for that loved one or neighbor or friend or situation.

Never give up living the gospel as best you know how.

Keep going, keep going strong!…”

To all who come this way today, selah….

“To give your wholehearted commitment of undivided Love is your greatest act of spiritual worship, because it is the greatest thing God desires.”—Jeremy Riddle

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Loving East Podunk

"It makes no difference who you are or where you're from — if you want God and are ready to do as He says, the door is open…”—Acts 10:34, The Message

East Podunk. Translation: insignificant little town, in the middle of nowhere, hicksville, fly-over-country. There are a lot of East Podunks in New England, like Harts Location, NH and The Forks, ME, and the little town from which this is written and the town where I attend church. I haven’t been to every one of them, but all of the East Podunks I’ve ever visited are beautiful in their own way. Someone put some love into creating them, and all that is in them.

I wonder Who?

In her book, “Sam’s Secret Journal,” author Elizabeth Yates tells the story of a 12-year-old boy who heard his pastor say one Sunday that “mission” wasn’t some huge, mysterious, overseas word for a select few, but that each Christian, no matter their age, had a “mission of his own.” After chronicling in his journal a bunch of “if onlys…” — that he sometimes wished he was born into some noble family on a great estate, or had more talent or was better looking, he came to this conclusion:

“God must have put me where I am because He has work for me to do here, on my dad’s farm, in the town of West Amity, which is right in the middle of corn country.” And the rest of the book chronicles how even as a pre-teen young Sam set out determined to follow Jesus every day as best he could, right where God had planted him in East Podunk.

It’s easy to feel insignificant, inadequate for the task, or wonder how my little life matters in the Kingdom. And so I need to remind myself just about every day of Sam’s healthy response, and the scriptures they’re founded on:

“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? …

Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. … I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”—Matthew 5:13-16, Message

You and I may have been born in an East Podunk (be it town or big city neighborhood), grew up here, or moved here, but wherever here is or how you got here, here you and I are — here for a purpose. God loves our “here” wherever “here” may be. And He loves the people in our “here” and He cares about the hurts and needs in our “here.” Men and history may think they founded our “here” but God was “here” first, and He has never left. Never will.

Here, one day may blend into the next, and everything here seems to carry on as it always has, and life goes on and “what difference am I making anyway?,” but it’s good to remember that God is never in a hurry. “He isn’t really being slow about His promised return, even though it sometimes seems that way. But He is waiting, for the good reason that He is not willing that any should perish, and He is giving more time for sinners to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9, Living Bible).

Even here. Which could very well be why you and I are here —be it East Podunk or someplace more recognizable. That we might say with young Sam, “God must have put me where I am because He has work for me to do here” — whatever that may look like in word or deed, in public and behind closed doors, in prayer and hands-on ministry, in action or attitude, in loving our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. 

It all adds up, and it can all make a difference, even here, even in ways we may never see or know… 

“You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Others have come before you. Others will come after you. But this is your day. If God's kingdom is to manifest itself right now, it will have to be through you. God Himself will not come to take your place. You are on a mission from God.” — John Ortberg Jr.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Traveling Music

On a backroad, Harrisville, New Hampshire

This is my Father’s world...and no one else’s (no matter what it may look like).

This life is a gift, and not my own…how will I live it?

This journey is wild and long and sometimes confusing...but the Good Shepherd always knows the way.

And this journey is a hymn...and it has traveling music:

“’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus."

And even today, He’s scouting out the landscape, guiding, seeking the best of everything, making provision and providing rest.

Just remember to keep singing that hymn.

And don't forget... He also leads from behind.

Because even while out in front, He always has my back, especially when I’m distracted.

Thank God!

He is like two guard dogs named Goodness and Mercy.

Protecting. Barking encouragement or warning. Reigning in my wandering. Full of unconditional love.

And whether in front or in back, always intentional, never passive:

“Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:6, NLT)

Pursue—“to follow close upon, go with, attend.”

Attend—“to be present.”

Where I go, there He is.

Not sometimes, but always, not used to be or might be someday, but today and right now:

“The Lord IS my shepherd…I have everything I need.” (Psalm 23:1)

Just remember to keep singing that hymn.

“I look behind me and You’re there, then up ahead and You’re there, too—Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in!”

Psalm 139:5

Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Reflection that Matters

The Kingdom of God looks like a lot of amazing things that are not “religious” at all. For the one who Believes, I am finding more and more that one of those looks a lot like these three words that cannot be spoken or absorbed enough:

“Your life matters.”

You won’t find those exact words in the Bible. But you will find this: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

In the Kingdom of God, “your life matters” does not require jumping through so many hoops until you’re qualified. It does not require perfection. It’s a Kingdom where mess-ups are common, grace and mercy abound, and where everyday people are still God’s modus operandi for spreading the Good News.

King David was especially far from perfect. He never gave an altar call or recited the “four spiritual laws.” And yet God used the Psalms that David mostly authored to “preach” perhaps louder than any other book of the Bible on how to live well in the Kingdom, and why it’s OK to be real before others and even God, and that when the whole world is a mess why it’s OK to cry out and yet remember over and over God’s unfailing track record, that the Maker of heaven and earth is always in control and never sleeps, and hears feeble prayers, and loves all that He has made, and always has a plan even if we don’t get it…

…“The LORD has sought out a man after His own heart…”

—1 Samuel 13:14

That’s what God thought of King David, imperfect and all, and that’s what God seeks from all who walk in His Kingdom. Not religion. Not perfection. Just the right reflection. Just… heart—one that beats after His. One that can’t help but want to obey out of love because Love has wrecked you, and keeps on beating even when you mess up over and over again. But more than that even, God created the heart as the seat of every desire, affection, passion, interest, and will…life!

Which is why “your life matters,” because the way God made us matters...

  • Because He knew before the beginning of time that some people would need an intellectual discussion and might be reached through someone in the Kingdom whose heart loves the testimonies and writings of a C.S. Lewis.
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some people would be wired to hear and see life through a song or nature, and the Kingdom needs men and women whose hearts beat accordingly.
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some would not be interested in Him until a crisis comes along and then they’d be open to anything, and the Kingdom needs men and women whose heart beats especially hard to the song called “Compassion.”
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some people would seem a little rough around the edges but are actually dying on the inside for someone to care, and the Kingdom needs tons of men and women with a heart to listen well and who are wise.
  • And especially now, He knew before the beginning of time that many others who have become cynical by living in a cynical world would be looking for the real deal to see if “any of those Christians” actually live what they believe. And the Kingdom needs such heart-beating, real-life men and women more than ever.

We say: “But I could never do that…” And God replies, even right now, with loud encouragement: “Your life matters… to Me!” And even better:

“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”

—2 Chronicles 16:9