Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Reflection that Matters

The Kingdom of God looks like a lot of amazing things that are not “religious” at all. For the one who Believes, I am finding more and more that one of those looks a lot like these three words that cannot be spoken or absorbed enough:

“Your life matters.”

You won’t find those exact words in the Bible. But you will find this: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

In the Kingdom of God, “your life matters” does not require jumping through so many hoops until you’re qualified. It does not require perfection. It’s a Kingdom where mess-ups are common, grace and mercy abound, and where everyday people are still God’s modus operandi for spreading the Good News.

King David was especially far from perfect. He never gave an altar call or recited the “four spiritual laws.” And yet God used the Psalms that David mostly authored to “preach” perhaps louder than any other book of the Bible on how to live well in the Kingdom, and why it’s OK to be real before others and even God, and that when the whole world is a mess why it’s OK to cry out and yet remember over and over God’s unfailing track record, that the Maker of heaven and earth is always in control and never sleeps, and hears feeble prayers, and loves all that He has made, and always has a plan even if we don’t get it…

…“The LORD has sought out a man after His own heart…”

—1 Samuel 13:14

That’s what God thought of King David, imperfect and all, and that’s what God seeks from all who walk in His Kingdom. Not religion. Not perfection. Just the right reflection. Just… heart—one that beats after His. One that can’t help but want to obey out of love because Love has wrecked you, and keeps on beating even when you mess up over and over again. But more than that even, God created the heart as the seat of every desire, affection, passion, interest, and will…life!

Which is why “your life matters,” because the way God made us matters...

  • Because He knew before the beginning of time that some people would need an intellectual discussion and might be reached through someone in the Kingdom whose heart loves the testimonies and writings of a C.S. Lewis.
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some people would be wired to hear and see life through a song or nature, and the Kingdom needs men and women whose hearts beat accordingly.
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some would not be interested in Him until a crisis comes along and then they’d be open to anything, and the Kingdom needs men and women whose heart beats especially hard to the song called “Compassion.”
  • He knew before the beginning of time that some people would seem a little rough around the edges but are actually dying on the inside for someone to care, and the Kingdom needs tons of men and women with a heart to listen well and who are wise.
  • And especially now, He knew before the beginning of time that many others who have become cynical by living in a cynical world would be looking for the real deal to see if “any of those Christians” actually live what they believe. And the Kingdom needs such heart-beating, real-life men and women more than ever.

We say: “But I could never do that…” And God replies, even right now, with loud encouragement: “Your life matters… to Me!” And even better:

“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”

—2 Chronicles 16:9

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