Sunday, October 31, 2021

Keep Going

This definitely was not my church. But the dream was vivid nonetheless…

It was in an unrecognizable room with a sea of unrecognizable faces, and our worship team was giving God praise and glory, encouraging as we always do those in the room to do the same. But as I looked out, my eyes were met with widespread unresponsiveness and indifference. Blank expressions. Everyone in this room just sat there. I can’t recall the song being sung other than it was a powerful truth about God. “What’s going on?…”

I was surprised at my response in the dream. In the natural, I think it would have been easy to become discouraged or to stop and move on to something else (or to just stop) or even become critical. Instead, there was a mysteriously strong sense within to ...

keep going, keep going strong 

...and I remembered looking at each blank-stare person with a smile as we kept singing that unknown song with the wonderful message…

I don’t know what happened next because, as is often the case with dreams, I transitioned into some other weird mish-mash scenario of random people from the past and present, barking dogs, jelly donuts, and being late again to that college course I kept skipping because it was too early in the morning.

The next morning, though, I couldn’t shake the picture of that sea of unresponsive faces. I “just so happened” to be reading a familiar scripture from the Complete Jewish Bible that “just so happened” to come to life: “But you are a chosen people, the King’s cohanim [a priesthood who devoted their lives first to worshiping God and then blessing the people with the overflow], a holy [set apart] nation, a people for God ’s possession! Why? In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”

It struck me as if for the first time that Peter is not addressing singers or musicians or even a worship gathering. He is declaring every believer’s new identity. As Jesus told His band of brothers in John 15:16: 

“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you [right where you are], so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name [as My representative] He may give to you.”

That dream wasn’t just weird, it was a reminder: I may have many vocations or hobbies or interests on this earth, but I have one job, one purpose—to worship God with my life and live it out before others…whether anyone believes, responds, agrees or not. If “widespread unresponsiveness and indifference” happened to Jesus, why should I be surprised when it happens me? I’m betting that there will be variations on that dream many more times to come, because it is easy to just go on cruise control, and God’s call to obedience and faithfulness and spreading Love is relentless and passionate. In so many words, I hear Him say again to my heart that it was much more than a weird dream...

“Keep going, keep going strong... your day to day comings and goings and doings and speaking and listening. Even if you don’t see any fruit right away (or even in this lifetime), just unresponsiveness or indifference, don’t ‘become discouraged or stop and move on to something else or even become critical,’

but keep carrying the Light within you.

I am with you and for you always.

And remember that the outcome is out of your hands anyway.

The results are always Mine…and in My timing. Never give up.

Never give up praising.

Never give up sharing and testifying and loving…and especially listening.

Never give up praying for that loved one or neighbor or friend or situation.

Never give up living the gospel as best you know how.

Keep going, keep going strong!…”

To all who come this way today, selah….

“To give your wholehearted commitment of undivided Love is your greatest act of spiritual worship, because it is the greatest thing God desires.”—Jeremy Riddle

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