Sunday, July 16, 2023

School of Life

An iconic hometown building with a story to tell.

When it’s 75 before sunrise and the air is saturated with humidity, all of life can seem gray, moist and dull. Even the brightest flowers in front of one our town’s most iconic buildings become blah pastels. So, why post a picture? Because before it was a brewery and an American Legion hall and a place of gathering for veterans of the Civil War, it was a school in the days before public education.

Teaching our children well has always been a priority here. The town history commented, “The schools of Peterborough have given to the world a long succession of boys and girls who have become splendid men and women.” Growing up here, I can attest to that. All very cool and interesting, but as I walked away, I remembered what I had read awhile earlier from my daily dose of Proverbs—they were words of instruction for the school of life. Timeless (and much-needed) lessons like...

“How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver.” (Proverbs 16:16), and “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.” (Proverbs 16:23). And especially...

“The human heart plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

It was good to remember that no matter what the camera lens may have said, there is nothing gray in those wonderful words of life, no matter what your age.

I again started this morning’s walk asking God to show me something beautiful or that He was seeing. I confessed to thinking, “nah, there’s not much out there today,” but sensed a response of, “If you really want to see what I see, even on a gray day, you’ll find it.” Well, amen to that.

Now to go and (try to) live “splendid”-ly well in the school of life. What the world needs now…

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