Sunday, July 23, 2023

Still Waters

Launching out before sunrise at Cunningham Pond.

"Where morning dawns and evening fades, You call forth songs of joy." (Psalm 65:8)

If you “put in” at Cunningham before the sun comes up on a Sunday morning, you can forget for a moment that a usually noisy state highway is right nearby. Nothing but the honk of geese doing a fly-over and bullfrogs in the shore weeds to break the stillness. Not a soul in sight—check that…thought it was a bird splashing, but there’s this one guy out in the middle of the pond quietly doing laps.

The cool, late summer mist over the warm water seems to announce the arrival of the sun finally peeking over Pack Monadnock. On morning’s like this, you can’t help but see and think clearly. Any anxious thoughts disappear. You’re especially aware and grateful for the start of a new day, leaving yesterday and the week behind. And all within you is filled with quiet "songs of joy."

And here, on a morning like this, a familiar Psalm takes on a life of its own:

"He leads me beside quiet waters; He restores my soul.”
(Psalm 23:2-3)

Amen to that…What a blessing to have such a refuge so close to town and home.

And as those good medicine labels say, and the Lord might heartily agree, “take as often as needed.”

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